Oh my. Thank goodness for the 4-day weekend. This week was Very Full. I prefer a higher ratio of downtime, thank you very much, so this little break was sorely needed.


The week started off with me shooting a small backyard wedding. I dress to be a) invisible (as if) and b) comfortable.

wedding dec collage

It was lovely, but due to drizzle and chill, the guests mostly stayed in the tents.


Monday I took a personal day from work to spend with…MY DAUGHTER VISITING FROM FLORIDA, yay. We schlepped around, a little hiking, a little photo shooting…a little breaking and entering…

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Isn’t she beautiful??


Katie breaks the rules.


Even the dog snuck into the act.


Lunch at one of my favorite vegan restaurants, Purple Elephant.

The warm temps have finally arrived. And my car needs a cleaning.


My daughter complained there were no pictures of her on my bulletin board at work, so I obliged. PS – the baby in the picture below the one I’m pointing at is her too, so.


I colored my hair out of a box…and the good news is…NO ONE NOTICED. To me that’s the sign of good color. I want it to look like My Hair, just without the grey.


I went with a friend to see a psychic medium…we had a quick photo shoot on the way…


I’ve never been to a psychic before. I am a skeptic at heart – of almost everything, ha. But I think deep down I hoped to be made into a believer. Sadly, I was not. He did read my friend, but it just all seemed like fishing and cold reading to me. With probably a dose of research beforehand. It’s amazing how much information the people give themselves and then he goes, “THAT’S RIGHT!” and they’re like, “ooh, wow” when THEY themselves revealed the person’s name or event or whatever. Anyway, it was interesting to see it up close and in person.

What did YOU do this week??

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