Happy November. October is a blur for me. I didn’t do much cuz covid and post-covid kicked my butt…but I DID take a picture almost every day looking down from the driveway towards the pond below, I wanted to show the progression of season.

On the last day of September I flew down to Florida, just missing Hurricane Ian, which did not do much damage where Katie is, but really decimated other areas. I hope by now they’ve been able to pick up the pieces of their life (literally) and start moving forward again. Home destruction has got to be so dreadful. I can’t even imagine.

I had a pretty peaceful first weekend with the dogs while Katie came up to NY for a friend’s wedding. I did get to spend part of Monday (of the 3-day weekend) with her before she took me to the airport.

And then Covid and I returned home to NY. The next few weeks are literally just a blur of fever, coughing, and shakiness. I took the whole first week off from work…the second week I worked from home…and the third week I had to come back because we had a big event coming up. And that third week, with all the running around, shopping, and gathering supplies for the event and actually being at the event that Saturday just…Slammed Me Into The Wall. And I went a little backwards. And then there was a week of that.

Finally last week I feel like I turned the corner, at least on the weak, shaky, trembly nonsense. And now I’m just left with the coughing.

But that’s how my colds (which are infrequent) always are: 2 days sick then 6 weeks of coughing.

I think because I was feeling so poorly and the thought of actually MOVING was so unpleasant, I got HEAVILY addicted to tv – k-dramas, Japanese dramas, korean reality shows…I’m watching so many things at one time. And just blowing through things. I gotta get a handle on THAT cuz I’ve got stuff I need to be doing.

My car was VERY naughty this month and has required so many dollars in repairs. The Korea Budget is like 25% less than where it should be at this point and that’s making me anxious. I need a Get Rich Quick scheme QUICK! So far I have not won the 1.9BILLION dollar powerball…but neither has anybody else, so there’s still hope.

And that’s pretty much it. October was Covid Month. And I was either coughing or getting flat tires.

Good Times.
