A LiL’ Catch-Up
Last weekend I wrote THE most brilliant blog post ever (ha). It was all about what I’ve been doing instead of blogging daily; it was comprehensive and witty and revealing. AND THEN. The computer said NOPE and shut itself off (as it does all too frequently) and the post was lost. All of it. Even though I save OBSESSIVELY cuz I KNOW this computer hates me…it took every last word. I even did a system restore, but. Nope. It was gone. And it’s taken me a week to work up the emotional energy to write it again. Knowing full well that the second version is NEVER as good (SAVE) as the first 🙁
So here goes…keep your expectations low.

Spotify Wrapped 2022
Where has Fashion Schlub gone? Oh, she’s here, schlubbier than ever, ha ha. I stopped posting daily outfits for a couple reasons:
1. You have seen EVERY piece of clothing I have, combined with every OTHER piece of clothing I have, so the OOTDS were like the worst kind of summer re-runs on the loop from hell.
2. My small wardrobe has gotten smaller due to me regaining a lot of the weight back that I lost a few years ago, so a lot of things don’t fit comfortably for me right now. I literally wear like two pairs of jeans on repeat and a handful of button-downs and cashmere sweaters.
These days eating feels like my main recreational activity as I rarely DO anything anymore. Like, fun. Fun is just not a priority right now…but eating is a source of enjoyment even when I can’t get out of the house.
It’s also a source of comfort at a time when…well…I need a lot of that.
3. Time. The blog was a #1 priority for a really long time…but right now other things just have to take precedence. So. I’ll continue checking in a couple times a month, and there’s the monthly Where Bloggers Live on the second Friday of each month, but…until there’s something of more interest to share, the OOTDs are on hiatus (not like a BTS hiatus…a REAL hiatus). Save.

BTS wisdom
So, what AM I doing? The priority the past couple months has been getting stuff OUT. And for all my efforts, and the number of times I’ve filled my car up with trash and donations, it’s a little disheartening to see how much stuff is LEFT. But I’m still plugging away, and eventually….

My camera roll is full of pretty pictures that I didn’t take
I did a decluttering challenge on TikTok in November where I had to get rid of one additional thing every day. Like on November 1, I got rid of one thing. On November 9, I got rid of nine things…on November 26, 26 things. It took me til just today to finish it cuz I hit the wall right around Thanksgiving and took a little time off. A lot of stuff did leave the building, but…yeah. There’s a lot still to go.

Well, some I did.
I think in January I’ll do it a little differently. I’ll still try to make some sort of impact every day, but it won’t be quantity-based. It’ll be: this box, that drawer, this shelf, like that.

I’m going there someday 🙂
I gave myself a little study break from Korean so I could focus more on clearing out. I’m still doing things but they’re not classes with assignments so there’s not that weekly due date I had to keep with.

I’ve been scanning my father’s slides again. This was me at Beverly Pony Park in Los Angeles in probably 1966-67ish
Oh! THIS is terrifying exciting! In January I start teaching English (as a foreign language) to a class of actual live humans in person through a local literacy program. It’s on a volunteer basis, which is just what I was looking for for now. The class goes Jan-April, so…I’ll start throwing up from anxiety and nervousness in about another 2 weeks.
I’m going back to Florida to spend Christmas with Katie. I fly down on Christmas Eve day and back on New Year’s Eve day, so…that should be interesting.
Cho Gue Sung
I was a soccer fan for a little while there while South Korea and Japan were still in The World Cup. And by soccer fan I mean Cho Gue Sung fan. Like the rest of the world. But hey, it did get me watching a ball sport and actually learning a little about something new. Fortunately my (relatively) new office-mate was able to answer many of my ignorant sports questions.

Kim Namjoon, BTS. MV from his solo album Indigo
I cannot, as a mere mortal, keep up with all the BTS content these days. The eldest left last week for his mandatory military service. Two others have released solo albums and are breaking all kinds of records. Several are sort of laying low, which I can appreciate after umpteen years of being in the public eye for so long. One just keeps getting more and more beautiful (what are we going to do with you, Mr. Min Elizabeth Yoongi??).
I still exclusively watch Asian programs…and one of the best things I’ve seen recently is a Netflix original called First Love. It’s a BEAUTIFUL Japanese series (9 just-under-one-hour episodes). It’s a great story, wonderfully acted, visually stunning. Two thumbs up.
I feel like there was a lot more in the original post (save) but my mind is blank. And I’m hungry. I’m challenging myself to use up all the weird foods in the house. Which is…interesting. I continue to be the queen of making chocolate frosting out of like ANYTHING. This week’s challenge: spam and lychee nuts. Probably not together. But you never know.

That time I was behind the poop truck.
Okay. That’s my catch up. Sorry it wasn’t nearly as entertaining as the first version. Stupid computer.
See ya in 2023!

I told you not to come.
Lisa Elliott
I hope you and your daughter have a wonderful Christmas week together! Safe travels!!
Thank you, Lisa! Hope you have a nice holiday as well!
Well, lost post no matter. I hope you have a great Christmas in Florida – have a safe trip. See you in 2023.
Thanks, Iris xoxo
So sorry to hear that you’ve had increased issues with food as I certainly can identify!!! And for whatever is going on for you that seems to be dragging you down just now. In my thoughts and prayers…. These times are so very difficult and I hope you see and feel the sun shining again soon!!!
Oh, I see the sun off in the distance. It’s out there. I’ll be feeling its warmth in not…too…long…