These Weeks in South Korea: May 6-19, 2024

I’ve lost complete track of the past two weeks as far as what happened when…the past week was finals week, so there was THAT – studying and anxiety and depression and trying not to sleep 24/7. So Just to get caught up I’m just going to share the pictures and some highs and lows…

I’m taking little walks around my neighborhood without a crutch. I like finding new things. These are new weeds 🙂 Also, that bright green fence? That’s the color green that it seems like all school fences are painted, I guess so you know it’s a school and to KEEP OUT.

Croissant Guy was trying to look up my skirt. That’s actually a thing here, like in crowded areas, subways, etc, guys will sneakily hold their phone cameras under girl’s skirts to film up them. Creepy Guys are in every culture.

There are roses blooming EVERYWHERE. It’s delightful.

I’m always shocked that these are the brooms they use here. As technologically advanced as Korea is, they’re still using brooms out of the Joseun Dynasty (1392–1910).

I got a get well card from my sister-in-law. Are you familiar with quilling? It’s a pretty intricate craft where they roll strips of paper to make designs.

I’m a sucker for cute packaging. The packaging was better than the actual snack. Though I do generally like sweetened red bean flavor.

The One Where I Wore Clothes. It’s been perfect light layers weather. I usually miss that window as as soon as I’m not freezing, I’m sweating. But this was for an evening out and the light knit cardigan was perfect.

This is my classroom set-up. The desk and chairs are attached and I’m too large to fit. So I have a stand-alone chair, and turn the desk around, so I actually sit facing the wrong side of the desk. I mean, I’m grateful they can accomodate to this level, but it’s not terribly comfortable, as the front of the desk has that metal apron on it so I can just barely get one leg under there and usually one leg is stretched out in the aisle, with really no adjustment options.

Meeting LEP#2 at a nearby cafe. Three times now I’ve gotten this same sandwich. I don’t like it. But I keep forgetting that it’s the sandwich I don’t like. Sigh.

I’m now walking home (on my legs) from class everyday. It’s very pretty around the lake, and there are benches all along this side so if I need to stop and rest, I can. I still take uber TO class, as I’m VERY slow and I’d have to leave SO early to get there on time.

During my injured knee era, I did all my grocery buying online, and a lot of foods came in these styrofoam boxes with ice packs…so I’ve been using them as bins to organize stuff. It’s not pretty, but it’s better than the mess that was there before.

Went for a lovely long walk with Hyungeun after dinner…he kept being like YOU’RE WALKING! LIKE, YOU’RE REALLY WALKING! Ha ha. Other than me, he’s the person who saw all the stages of this thing, from normal to bad to worse, and now the improvement. He couldn’t believe the difference in just two weeks of not seeing me! PS: there are these streams all over Seoul, with walking and biking paths, they’re nicely maintained by the city. Now I’m on a mission to visit ALL of them.

Headed out, BY MYSELF, to A NEW PLACE, on THE BUS. It was a big day.

That means, “stand here and they will bring all the animals to you.” Not.

Children’s Grand Park. It’s not too far from me. A big park with different event areas, fountain, a little children’s zoo and amusement park, gardens, etc.


Snack. Snacks in the shade are my favorite. Egg tarts are very popular here.Â

Studying for the final.

Reward on the veranda for getting through the week. Again.

Meeting LEP#2, walking around the hood for a bit cuz I was early.

Still walking.

Still walking.

Waiting in the late afternoon at my uber stop to meet Hyungeun for a walk by another stream.

I got there early so I walked around a bit (common theme).

Lotte World Tower. It seems like you can see it from wherever you are in Seoul. We walked 3.6 miles.

A little walk around my neighborhood.

Still walking.

Waiting for Uber Sunday morning.

Got dropped off in the middle of nowhere and had to find my way. But always see things I like.

More roses. Will talk about this rose village in an upcoming post.

I love taking pictures of bikes. Old bikes. Pretty color bikes. Rusty bikes. Bikes with flat tires. Bikes with baskets.

I love taking pictures of gates and doors. Most houses have some sort of walled yard in the front…and often, interesting gates.

Which one is the rose? HA HA HA HA HA.

t o I l E T

I also love interesting manhole covers. These all say “Seoul,” but then also the name of the neighborhood.

These are the carts that the old people push/pull around the streets to gather cardboard they can sell to…whoever is buying all that cardboard. They REALLY pile them up. I’m always amazed how much they can push.

I wasn’t sure if this was a funeral home or a new business. I can’t read Chinese, but the plants kinda look like they could go either way. But probably new business. I think.

Some of the pictures are out of sequence.

Back to Children’s Grand Park. REALLY out of sequence.

Children’s Grand Park.
So, I’m done with class. Failed again. But came much closer this time. 65. Needed 70 to pass. The first two days I was really on the floor. Feeling frustrated and stupid. Now I’ve had a couple days to let it go and…what are you gonna do. Maybe this time.
I asked the Dean if I can be put in a classroom NOT at the top of the hill next time, and it looks like I can, so that will be good. I don’t know about forever, but at least for the hot, humid, monsoon, knee JUST getting better season, it will be good.
So now I’m on vacation. Katie is in Japan (!) and on her way here tomorrow, so that will be FUNNNN!!!
See you next week!!!
Your pictures are always so interesting! I keep thinking about old people pushing those carts around full of cardboard. That would be a hard way to earn a living. I’m so glad your knee is getting better. I hope you have so much fun with Katie.
We have way more things planned than we could possibly fit in ha ha. But we will have fun whatever we do
Debbie from Illinois
I’m so glad you are able to get around better. Enjoy your visit with Katie!
Thank you! One day in and I’m already exhausted!
Love all of your pictures and the captions you put with them! In the Lotte World Tower picture, what is the lady at the bottom walking across? Is that a bridge? I’d fall off stepping on the first box!
All these streams have stepping stone crossings. Some very neat and tidy, like that one, some are more realistic looking and seem way more scary to me. I had a hard time crossing them BEFORE I hurt my knee because my balance and sense of depth awareness is not good. I don’t know that I would try it now without someone to hang onto. The good news is the water is only like 18-24 inches deep.
So interesting with the broom. Do they possibly work better?? I’ve never tried one like that.
I just cannot imagine that they work better. I’m sure they were fine on dirt yards 500 years ago when they wanted to sweep the leaves out of the king’s path. But… I feel we have made some advances and brooms since then and I’m just surprised they’re not keeping up!
Em D
Just saw your important errand on IG… hope it means you’re picking up Katie!!!
So happy to see that your knee is improving… and that you might catch a break on the stairs next time!
I’ve got her! She has been retrieved! Oh what a relief!
Well, I’m so behind I’m confused. Somehow I missed having your foot/leg ‘fixed’ but it sounds like that’s happened (I hopw so anyway). Hopefully you’re currently visiting with Katie and having a ball.
Ahh, not “fixed,” but about a week before the surgery date it miraculously started to feel less painful…so i met with the dr and he agreed we could hold off and see if it continued healing on its own…and it really has. Every day is a little better. I’d say I’m 93% pain free, and i can walk with no crutches, though i still carry one with me because the knee is not entirely stable yet and sometimes (if i walk too fast or with too long a stride) it buckles. I just ordered a cane off amazon, it should be here this week. So…fortunately surgery was not needed and I’m relieved!
So happy for you for your knee doing better and well enough to enjoy your visit with Katie. Loved the pics!
Thanks, Tina. There’s hardly any pain anymore (just when I first stand up after sitting or laying for awhile, and even then it’s just the first few steps), but it’s not “right” yet and is definitely a flim-flam knee…for which I believe the technical term is “buckling knee.” but flim-flam is so much more fun. I need to look for a cane to replace the crutch, I think I’m ready for that step. I know there have been some recommendations here in the comments, so I’ll look at those first.
Sorry – a bit late but I’ve been away. Love the pics and keep on keeping on. Also love the pics and hearing all your news X