Where Bloggers Live: My Sleep Routine Z-Z-Z-Z-z-z-z

Welcome to this month’s edition of Where Bloggers Live. It’s kind of like HGTV’s “Celebrities at Home,” but…Bloggers! Who doesn’t like to peek behind the scenes and see inside people’s homes, interests, and lives? Every month a group of seven bloggers share their work-spaces, homes, towns, and thoughts, with posts based on specific prompts. It’s been so interesting over the years to see the different ways each of us interpret the topics.
A good night’s sleep is an essential part of a healthy lifestyle…but how many of us really have good sleep habits??
I used to be A Great Sleeper. I’d lay my head on the pillow and boom I was out til the alarm went off in the morning. But then due to some emotional stress (aka A MAN) my wonderful peaceful sleep pattern was shattered…I couldn’t fall asleep, I couldn’t stay asleep. I was exhausted. For years. I did have a brief 2-month respite when a doctor prescribed me Ambien, and that was magical. Within about three weeks I felt so rested and CLEAR, it was like I’d been living in a fog and the fog had lifted. It was pretty amazing. But all good things come to an end, and after two months the doctor said if I wanted to continue on it I’d have to go to the sleep center for an overnight sleep test. No thank you. I believe the concern was that my insomnia was due to sleep apnea but I know it wasn’t. But that was the end of glorious Ambien for me. And then I went several more years, trying everything under the moon – Nyquil, OTC sleep aids, melatonin, a glass of wine or warm milk at bedtime…nope. Eventually I learned that the ingredient in allergy relievers that makes you drowsy is diphenhydramine, so I got some generic Benadryl that contained that…and like magic, it worked. I’d set my phone alarm for 6pm, and take 2…so that around 9 or 10 I was good and tired and could fall asleep easily…and stay asleep.
My friend pointed out that my good sleep also coincided with me starting Welbutrin (anti-depressant), and eventually I was able to wean off the allergy pills and still sleep well.
UNTIL KOREA. Of course, I also wasn’t taking the Welbutrin consistently the first three months I was here (in a misguided effort to make the supply last longer), and then not at all for three months after that. I would go to sleep alright at a normal time, but around 2 or 3 am, I would wake up and not be able to get back to sleep…til maybe 5 or 6…but at that point it was too late to get much sleep. Sometimes on a weekend night I would sleep through the night, or on school breaks I would get quite a few good night’s sleep. I think it was “going to school” anxiety that was keeping me up.
So, I was able to buy Benadryl online once since I’ve been here…but after that it was no longer allowed…and it can’t be shipped in from another country, like through Amazon. So even on the Welbutrin since June, once that bottle ran out, I was back to getting only 3-4 hours sleep a night.
Until my ANGEL FRIEND from the US brought me a bottle when she visited Korea (you can carry it in, you just can’t ship it through the mail)…so right now I’m on an okay sleep pattern. With assistance. Thank you, my friend 🙂
My sleep routine?? If I’m at the computer, I stay awake until I can’t keep my eyes open…or, if I’m in bed, until I’ve dropped the phone on my face three times..and then I call it a night. That’s a routine, right?
I did recently learn a little hack…if thoughts are running rampant through your mind, keeping you from falling asleep, there’s a way to shut them down. And I’ve been doing this recently if I do wake up in the night, and I fall back to sleep pretty quickly.
I pick a word – calendar, let’s say. Then you just lie there with your eyes closed, thinking of all the words you can that start with the letter C. If you get to the point where you can’t think of any more C words and you’re still awake, you do the same with the letter A (then L, E, etc., you get the idea). I’ve never gotten past the second letter! It keeps your brain engaged so no worrying thoughts can get in – it’s sort of like the counting sheep method but I can count on auto-pilot and still have intrusive thoughts at the same time. This keeps your brain just active enough that other things can’t get in….so that’s my tip.
I wish I was really conscientious and did things like wash my face or do a face mask or write in a journal or meditate or something but yeah, no. I want to keep doing what I want to do til I literally cannot stay awake and then I climb into bed, say “ahhh, bed is good,” and go to sleep.
I will say this: I am very particular about bed linens and pillows. I can’t afford the best best but I always get the best I can afford. My favorite is woven 100% cotton (just like with nightgowns). Not flannel, not t-shirt weave, not micro-fiber. The kind of cotton that is lightweight and has body so it is light on your body and sort of..stands away from your body, if that makes sense – creating little pockets for air-flow. When something is too drapey, and like follows the contours of my body, there’s no space for airflow and I get too hot. I splurged on nice linen bed linens a few years ago, and while I loved the look of them, they were too warm for me. I saved them for the coldest part of winter.
My comforter is also lightweight primaloft, which is a vegan down-substitute. It’s cool in the summer and warm in the winter. I can’t bear a heavy blanket on me for sleeping. It’s PERFECT. I have it here in Korea with me.
I have never had a perfect pillow. I’ve SLEPT on perfect pillows (down or down substitutes or blend) – at hotels and relative’s houses. But when I look up the pricing, I just can’t do it. I prefer the feel of loose fill vs like a memory or styro-foam because they can mold to my neck/shoulder shape without overheating me (like memory foam does).
Oh, I have to FALL asleep on my left side…but I always wake up on my right side.
I Do Not Understand Pajamas. How do people stand sleeping in a waistband? I can’t stand any constriction…even (at the risk of TMI) my nightgown comes off when it’s time to get into bed! Sorry. NO. CONSTRICTION. Not night clothes, not heavy blankets, NOT SOCKS (omg how???).
Okay, ending this here, ha ha. You already know too much.
OH – if there’s an animal…share the bed with them. They like that 🙂
Take a look at my friends’ blogs as well, maybe they can put you to sleep better than I can, ha ha ha! Ooh, that sounded bad. You know what I mean.
Daenel at Living Outside the Stacks
Em at Dust and Doghair
Iris at Iris’ Original Ramblings
Jodie at Jodie’s Touch of Style
Leslie at Once Upon a Time Happily Ever After
Sally at Within a World of My Own
Em D
I used to be a world-class sleeper, but now my right leg hurts most of the night if it feels any kind of pressure from the left leg (weird), so I have to sleep only on my left or flat sooo…quirkies.
However, my sleep regimen includes rules nearly identical to yours (I think we discussed this once). Cotton blankets for the win, hair over the ears, pillow perfection (which is been elusive as you noted.) I could cut and paste that whole section from your post and put it in my blog (although I would have to ask permission, haha). I also announce aloud the delight of getting into bed, as you do, and have similar opinions regarding pajamas.
I know I didn’t follow it this month due to continuity…but this is a WONderful topic!
Hair over the ears, ooh, I don’t know that one! But I DO have to pull my hair back off my shoulder/neck (not in a thing, that would be too constricting, just pulled to the back).
And…speaking of sleep…I just a little mid-day study-procrastination nap. It was lovely 🙂
Wow, I stupidly thought that everyone had a routine like mine. I guess I never realized how habitual I am, LOL.
Even when I was younger I pritortized sleep (then again, do you want a tired dentist working on your teeth). All of our friends knew we would leave a party or event at 9 am…that was then. Now it’s 8pm, LOL
Ha, back home my dinner/coffee friends knew when 8pm hit and I stood up, I was DONE. It’s good to have friends that understand when in the middle of a conversation you’re just like WELL, I GOTTA GO! It was part cuz I’d taken my diphenhydramine at 6pm…and part cuz my social battery was depleted and I needed to be alone.
Well, I’m sad to hear I’m not the only one not sleeping well. I’ve tried your idea for medication – but it didn’t help me at all. Everyone is different I guess. I’ve read a gazillion things online – and tried quite a large number of them. My doctor suggested a ‘sleep test’ too – not going there!
Ugh, sorry. Not being able to sleep is The Worst.
Sally in St Paul
Even though I run hot when I’m awake, I absolutely need to be slightly too warm to fall asleep and stay asleep. This means my electric blanket gets used in the summer 😀 because I’ve discovered that it’s so much easier to turn a blanket on and off during the night than wrestle with adding/removing layers of clothing. I swear by pajama bottoms, socks, heavy blankets (in addition to the electric one), flannel sheets year-round…basically the opposite of you!
Ooh. Isn’t it funny how we all end up so different??
I can’t even wear make-up with sunscreen cuz I feel like it traps all my body heat in and makes me feel like I’m about to explode into a firebomb of sweat!
Leslie Clingan
I think I knew you had some sleeping issues but not sure how I knew it. Maybe IG posts? Glad your friend brought you a bottle of Benadryl. Does it have to be Benadryl liquid? Or is it a bottle of pills? Benadryl works well for me, too, but I feel pretty groggy the next morning. Same with melatonin. I had a hard night last night…which I had known your little word game. I tried everything. And after 4 hours, exhaustion set in and I slept for a couple of hours. My sister feels the same way as you about clothing in bed. She strips down to her birthday suit every night. Not at all inhibited. Even when we are together!! I am the total opposite…give me all the flannel pjs, weighted blankets, the whole shebang.
Hmm, I’ve probably mentioned it in the blog – it was a significant factor in my life for several years. Speaking of which, right now, this week, even with the Bendadryl (and I take the pills, not the liquid), I’m waking up in the middle of the night for several hours – I think due to test anxiety – school is a LOT this week. It’ll be better next week after they’re done.
I am very drug and alcohol tolerant. I never get groggy, no matter how many I take. I’ve never had a hangover from drinking. The downside of that is that it can take more than the “recommended dosage” to affect whatever issue I’m having (pain, insomnia).
Ooh, now you know the word game! I’m always amazed at how FEW words I can think that start with a specific letter. I LOVE words! Why can I only think of seven words that start with the letter A?!? Come on!
Tell me about wearing pajamas. Does the waistband not get twisted? Do the pants legs not ride up?? Isn’t having something around your waist at night annoying? This coming from the woman who used to Sleep In Her Bra, now I can’t even imagine!