Welcome to Where Bloggers Live: 2025! Happy New Year! “Where Bloggers Live” started out kind of like HGTV’s “Celebrities at Home,” but…with bloggers! We all like to peek behind the scenes and see inside people’s homes, interests, and lives, so every month this wonderful  group of seven bloggers family of amazing women shares their work-spaces, homes, towns, and thoughts, with posts based on specific prompts. It’s been so interesting over the years to see the different ways each of us interpret the topics.

I write this on January 11, 2025, one day past the day this post was meant to be posted. One of my new year’s resolutions is to be more organized and get sh*t done when it’s meant to get done.


There’s just no taming me.

Seriously, though, better late than never. And you don’t give up just cuz you got off to a bad start.

I was just kidding about being more organized.

My REAL resolution for this year is…

Back Story: I always have a million different things I’m interested in, want to learn, want to do, want to go to, want to see, etc. And the sheer enormity of choices literally paralyzes me and I end up either doing nothing or spreading my time and attention around to too many things and accomplishing nothing at all. SO….

I’ve made a list of the Most Important Things/Projects I want to tackle/accomplish in the next seven momths, and each thing gets a full month of my undivided attention (obviously after life, school, etc). I put them in what I feel is the most efficient order (some things are prerequisites to other things, some things need to happen asap, some things can be put off a bit), and I will devote each month to Its Thing. I think you can really accomplish a lot in a month when you’re not trying to accomplish 17 different things at the same time.

So, my month buckets are:

January: start new social media accounts (TikTok, YouTube, and whatever the NKOTB* is going to be if TikTok does get banned in the US). I have accounts on all those platforms already, but they’ve been used inconsistently and are so diluted with all the interests I’ve had over the years (photography, fashion, plus size lifestyle, Korea), and I want to be more focused and yes, try to make some money there.  I may not get all of them done this month…but I’ll get them set-up and start getting in the habit of posting consistently.

February: finish two courses on photography and videography I started months ago…and PRACTICE. Like dedicated, almost every day, PRACTICE.

March: really learn video editing (as much as I can in a month!)

April: learn more about and give creating UGC** a real go (I need to show myself the money!)

May: start learning Japanese (terrifying)

June: personal matters – not really a “new thing,” but I need to sort out loose ends before I leave the comfort and safety of my current temporary home in Korea and get prepared for a lot of traveling ahead.

July: This month will be devoted to preparing to leave Korea in August (exact date YTBD) – oh man, that’s sad to say. But I don’t want to be rushed at the end, and I have stuff to get rid (doesn’t it seem like I JUST got rid of all my stuff??). Part of that preparation is getting to the places in Seoul that I never got to, cuz while I PLAN to be back, you know how the best laid plans yadda yadda yadda.

So that’s that. I feel much more…in control with spreading seven things out over seven months vs trying to tackle all seven things at the same time.

That’s Number One. Number Two is, in the same vein of too much coice, I’ve been creating wheels for EVERYTHING. Like a spinning wheel…and you do the thing the wheel lands on. A co-worker and I used to use The Wheel of Lunch when we couldn’t decide what to have..and then another friend and I used The Wheel of K-drama to decide what drama to watch next…and NOW I have “The Wheel of Places & Things to Do in Seoul,” and I’m working on “Korean Foods to Eat,” because there’s much I still haven’t tried and I don’t want to leave feeling like I missed anything. But, and I know I’m repeating this a lot, it’s really been an obstacle to me, when there are too many good choices…I end up not being able to choose and wind up doing nothing (#decisionparalysis).

So. I’m keeping it sort of short and sweet…but on like a time-release schedule. I’ll keep you posted how my monthly projects work out!

* Did you guess? NKOTB: New Kid(s) on the Block.

** UGC: User Generated Content

Take a look at my friends’ blogs as well, to see their resolutions!

Daenel at Living Outside the Stacks
Em at Dust and Doghair
Iris at Iris’ Original Ramblings
Jodie at Jodie’s Touch of Style
Leslie at Once Upon a Time Happily Ever After
Sally at Within a World of My Own