Well, THAT week was a doozy! Ha ha ha ha ha NOT.

Many days I didn’t go out. And looked like this.

Remember the To Do list?? Ha ha ha ha ha ha NOPE. Well, I did SOME stuff…I crossed out everything I actually did.


* finish unpacking kitchen once spice rack arrives <- I only unpacked the spices when the spice rack arrived!
* move tall bedroom dresser (I never had to move furniture on carpet before! it’s a bear!)
* organize clothes closet (movers=boys=no clue)
* finish unpacking bathroom
* empty out car so I can…
* …get last things from Northport apt
* organize office area
* fix bedroom window blind (my bad)
* text Ms. Landlady about missing oven rack (it’s been a good excuse to not actually cook, but…)


* shoot last of winter outfits, about 6 looks, offsite (Brooklyn??) <- only shot two outfits
* plan blog topics up through April break (8 wks away) <- got about 4 weeks of blog topics planned and partially written.
* write 2 blog posts a day (hey look, this counts as one!).
* go back through missed days of blogger workshop (I signed up for this January workshop just days before I found out I needed to move right away. I barely got halfway through it…and it’s good stuff!)
* find item for February Match Made in Seven post


* get one box of stuff listed (this was voted Least Likely to Actually Get Done) <- accurate.


* laundromat, UGH (I don’t know why laundromats aren’t bundled with other businesses, like coffee shops or bars or book stores or internet cafes – are those even still a thing?)
* grocery shop and make big pot of something for dinners this week
* find new registration sticker and put it in car
* do a day outing by myself somewhere, anywhere
* Very Important: identify location of Julia’s Instagram photo
* help friend purge wardrobe
* read (where are my books?)
* nap early in the week <- I never napped but I did sleep really late, which was lovely
* actually USE the online yoga thing I signed up for like a month ago!
* change renter’s insurance to new address

And…life goes on. I really needed the downtime. I’ll get caught up on the other stuff eventually.

I really didn’t do very much at all. I feel like I’m having a hard time focusing enough just to write this post! Ha. Here’s what I DID do:

Joined my BFF and some other friends who used to work where I still work for a night of crafting. We painted rocks, ha ha. I was not feeling that inspired. But I did stay out til 10pm which is LATE for me!

I discovered that a favorite Instagrammer has a YouTube channel…and spent a GREAT deal of time binge-watching the past 3 years of her vlogs. While eating the big pot of spaghetti I made. And leftover Christmas cookies.

Someone (Julia?) asked me about the difference between the windows/view here vs the old apartment. I took some little video clips the day I went back over there to get the last of my things from inside. But here is the old living room window. You could see out from wherever you were. And you could see stuff. Kids on bikes, the ice cream man, people walking dogs, neighbors getting home after work.


A dear, dear person from mine and Katie’s past passed away recently. I was so shocked and saddened by the news. When Russell and I first separated and I got a “real” job, Katie was only 7. She got off the school bus at 2:30 and I didn’t get home from work til 5pm. So I had an arrangement with the across-the-street-neighbors, who were also Katie’s best friend’s parents, and she would go over there every day after school until I got home. It worked out really well, Katie and her friend would have been together all afternoon anyway, so they were happy, and by the time I got home from work she’d already done her homework, practiced the cello and had dinner over there, so I could just crash and hang with her for a bit. This continued til Katie was around 12 and I said she could come home to our empty house as long as I knew the neighbors were peeking out from time to time to make sure our house wasn’t on fire. The dad was usually out front working in the garden/yard, and Katie and her friend would end up together anyway. So they were really like Katie’s second family all those years and I have so much gratitude to them for making it possible for me to have that job at that time.

I went to the wake on Thursday and saw some neighbors from the old neighborhood where I had my sweet little house. We chatted about old times when there was a really good group of families on the block, all with kids within a pretty close age range. One neighbor would always clear the snow from my walk and driveway before I even got up in the morning after a snow. For years I didn’t even know who it was and I thought it was the Snow Angels.

Oh! I’ve told you guys the story of the door – how a neighbor went to the house on the corner that was being torn down and asked if I could have it. That was the woman, the wife…of the man…who just passed away. Funny, that’s always been such an amazing story to me…and she doesn’t even remember doing it! No, I didn’t ask her about it at the wake (I have some manners!), we’d Facebook messaged about it awhile back.

Anyway. That was a sad day.

Janey is finally settling in and not on top of me all the time. She’s finding some new spots for herself.

She’s also destroying that chair. See all the little rattan twigs on the floor around it??

I finally cooked here. The stove is really teeny when you’ve got more than one thing going at a time.

The new dishrack arrived! The new dishrack arrived! It’s my first double-decker, which takes up a lot of visual space but I can fit a lot more stuff on it so don’t need to lay a dish-towel on the counter next to it for overflow items like pots and pans and glasses. For one person I can dirty a LOT of dishes in a very short time.

This is some really award-winning blogging, right here.

OH! The sofa! I noticed the sofa I liked was relisted this week on CraigsList so I reached out one more time and success! I went to see it, said yep, that’s the one, and gave them a 50% deposit. Now I just have to find a way to get it to the apartment! It’s at a landscaping company (who knows) and there are trucks all over the place and I asked if it was possible to have it delivered and said they would if I was local…but I’m not. I live at the end of the earth. I know I can rent a van pretty cheaply from U-Haul but I still need Strong People, preferably two, cuz *I* can’t lug it up to my place! So I have to add THAT to the MUST DO To Do list, cuz I haven’t done anything about it since I was there.

Ugh, so I never got to the video today, I’ve been sick all day (Sunday), fever, aches, chills, all sorts of stomach and vomit activity (thanks for reading!). I had to get out of the bed for a little while as my body was aching all over from laying down for so long but it’s way too hard to sit up so I’m getting back in bad, fingers crossed I can stay there…