Nothing too exciting going on here, folks.

I’m wearing this cute top I got through Gwynnie Bee. It’s by Caite, which makes embroidered, boho, Johnny Was-esque tops and dresses. Remember the dress I wore to the beach the day with all the bugs (and the out of focus pictures, but we won’t mention those)? That was Caite also.

And, of course, Gloria Vanderbilt jeans! So what else is new!?

I’m also wearing a bra from the brand Trusst. It’s different technology (bra technology? is that a thing?). Maybe construction is a better word. It doesn’t have underwires (and trusst me – ha ha, see what I did there? – I need a lot of support. I don’t think I’ve had an underwireless bra since I was like 16) but it has like a shelf (I guess that’s the “truss” in Trusst) under the boobs that literally lifts and holds them up. Anyway, don’t the girls look perky today?? Ha ha! PS – this is not sponsored, but they did send me the bra to try.

I got home from work this afternoon and was just pooped. I plopped down on the sofa, kicked off my sneakers and promptly fell asleep! When I woke up (had a nice little 45-minute nap) I couldn’t bear to put my sneakers back on to go outside to shoot, so…bare feet it is. Never let it be said that I’m not keeping it real!

No Buy July is almost over. Almost better than the fact that I didn’t spend money on new clothes this month, is the fact that I didn’t spend so much TIME scrolling through online sites! Maybe that’s why I’ve been able to read so much this month! But it did make blogging a little tough as there was nothing new to show you guys. I feel like you’ve literally seen every article of clothing I own, in every possible combination with every OTHER article of clothing I own.

That’s all, folks. Hope everyone has a nice weekend. Stay cool!

What I Wore:


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