Week in Review: Weeks 281 & 282

And suddenly, it was August.
Early morning accidental pocket dial resulting in FACE TIME with someone (me) who sleeps in the buff OH DEAR GOD.
So much erranding lately. Today was the oh so very far away camera shop to see if they could fix my non-focusing wireless shutter remote situation. They could not. Had to order a new one to the tune of $171. Not Amused.
Dinner with friend. We ranted about relationships and men. We both think we are the most interesting topics of conversation, so as long as we keep taking turns, it works 🙂 Plus, blue coconutty alcohol. Do you know Sophie’s Choice?
Pre-surgical testing for next week’s thing (#areyouhereforthething?). Made me put on the gown (from hell) made for a 12-year-old boy and sit in it awkwardly for 15 minutes before realizing I did NOT need an ekg so need for micro-gown.
Oh, what a lovely day! Mid-70s, no humidity. A friend and I headed out east early to a new garden in Mattituck called Landcraft Garden. WHAT A DELIGHT. Four acres that have been owned and designed and tended by two designers (one interior, the other landscape). They have a wholesale tropical annuals business and initially created the garden as a showcase for their plant material. And then it grew and grew and now it is just room after room of peaceful spaces, beautifully combined plantings, idyllic seating areas (we may or may not have monopolized a bench swing in the shade for an hour while getting looks from passersby who wanted their own turn).
More pictures in an upcoming post.
Annnnnd all productivity came to a crashing halt. Ha.
Back to work but it’s just a two-day week for me.
Highlight #1: The Car Wash.
Highlight #2: Covid test #3 via spitting in a tube. A lot.
Oh, what a time to be alive.
Shopping for “I don’t feel good” food for tomorrow. English muffins, rice pudding, chicken noodle soup.
Lithotripsy Day.
Lithotripsy: laser jackhammer that breaks up kidney stones.
Early morning drive to city hospital (thank you, SWSRN, for getting up pre-dawn to drive me cuz it’s one of those procedures where they won’t let you leave under your own power). Time “mix up” (?) of like six hours but we just played dumb (#notastretch) and they took me at the original time.
Had to do the usual fight with doctor for ACTUAL pain meds (#TYLENOLISAJOKE). Then he thought he was being slick by giving me half-strength prescription. Ha ha, foolish man. I just take three at a time then. AND THAT BARELY TOUCHES ME. In my next life I want to come back as one of those people who goes, “ohh, only give me a quarter of the pill or it will knock me out for three days.” Sigh.
These four days were just a blur of discomfort and incessant peeing.
Highlights were:
- Painful Peeing All The Time
- So much sofa time and so many k-dramas
- Finally getting my new intervalometer from the camera store AND take out Korean food that lasted me the next three days thank god cuz who can think about shopping cooking washing dishes anything
- Anesthesia and pain-killer-related constipation OH LIFE IS JUST A BOWL OF CHERRIES
- Plumbing issues (see above)
I guess that’s it. I’m contemplating (and by contemplating I mean trying to convince my stubborn self) taking August off from blogging. Well, I’d still do the weekly OOTD post cuz I’m already filming the outfits for TikTok…and MAYBE week in review, although…SINCERE QUESTION, GUYS, are these boring now when I’m really not doing ANYTHING? Or are they still A Delight because of my childlike wonder with the world, creative photography, and legendary story-telling ability HA HA HA HA HA?!
I couldn’t even type that with a straight face.
Seriously though, let me know.
I like your stories and pictures. I really loved this post’s pics from some lovely place.
Oh, if you need a month off, take it, but I actually love the way you write. And, I think your photography skills far outweigh my own. So, do what’s right for you, but I will miss your wit!
I look forward to all your posts, but if you need time off, take it.
Thanks, Joan xoxo
Linda Root
Take time off. Have an adventure. You know you’ll tell us all about it !!
This isnt the adventure I was hoping for but hopefully this will be over soon and I can move on to a more entertaining one
I love reading all your posts and seeing what life is like so far away from my little corner of the world. Please take care of yourself and do what makes you happy.xo
Thanks, Cheryl. Doing the blog DOES make me happy, but because of it there are other things I never get to do. And they need a turn right now 🙂
Shirley Horst
Please take the time off if you need to! I love reading whatever you have to rant about, but I would feel guilty if you weren’t feeling well and really needed to take it easy! Only you know what you can handle. We all have times in our lives when we need to step back and give ourselves a break!
Thanks, Shirley.
I may be repeating some of my responses to comments, I’ve just been working on the phone this week so it doesn’t look the same as it looks on the computer and I can’t see what I’ve already responded to, this week has just been a blur so I can’t shoot your choice I hope I’m at least consistent ha ha ha ha (shoot your choice? I have no idea what that was supposed to be but I’m leaving it in case you can figure out better than I can).
Please take a needed break. I never get tired of your photos and writing but everyone should take time off sometimes.
Thanks, Marian.
I appreciate all you guys having my back.
If you need the break then definitely take it. For more selfish reason I love your writing style and real way of describing your life. To be honest I think we all lead pretty similar lives it’s just that the total extroverts and fake people make us feel like we don’t quite stack up to their curated lives. Have a great week.
Laurie E
I love your stories and pictures. There is usually some adventure, comment, or turn of phrase that brings a laugh or smile.
But yes, we all need breaks to refresh ourselves. You be sure and take time for yourself. If you are even thinking about a break, take one! ❤️
Debbie from Illinois
Bettye, please take good care of yourself. Take a break. Your readers will wait patiently for your return. 😉
I’d miss you and reading about your life but definitely do whatever you need to do to take care of yourself!! Hope you’re feeling much better at this point!
I’ll still be on social, well, TikTok…and IG when I can think of some way to get my foot in the door there. And I’ll come back in September all refreshed. I hope! Haha!
I will always read anything and everything you write. I love your twisty, smirky, schlubby perspective on life and the photos to go with. That said, please take a break if your body, soul and spirit are suggesting that you step back for a while. Taking a break is self-care at its highest level. It’s summer. Take a break. We all love you.
xo karen
Thanks, Karen 🙂 I’m twisty hahah I love that. Today, I’m inclined to say some time off is in order as I’ve been through the ringer the past 24 hours. I’ve got something scheduled already for Friday, but I think that yeah, til September I’ll just do OOTD and Week in Review if there’s anything to share.
Thanks for being a friend 🙂
I love hearing about what’s going on in your life! But if you need a break, I TOTALLY get + support that. Been there.
I’m so glad your procedure is over- kidney stones and the treatment for ’em are NO joke. I hope you feel better soon!
And mid-70s no humidity is my whole VIBE. I love that kind of weather!
Le Stylo Rouge
Yeah, sadly I am sitting at Sloan-Kettering right now after the kidney stone night from hell for scans, blood work, etc.
How ironic, I had the lithotripsy for a stone that has not bothered me in years…and NOW it is bothering me.
Sally in St Paul
TYLENOL FOR KIDNEY STONES?! I am outraged. That calls for serious pain killers (ask me how I know…).
Yeah, whatta joke, right?? They always start out with that suggestion and I’m just like DUDE.
Sheryle Birdsong
So sorry, Bettye—- that’s no joke it’s a night from hell! Wish you were here— I could pick you up, bring you back home and put you in a quiet cold room and make sure you were resting peacefully with whatever meds you need. Be well, be loud if you need more, get home and recover with your things and your cat-baby.
I’ve been napping bits here as I get wheeled from place to place. And I’m feeling almost human now that hydrated and anti-nausea’d
Marceline Miller
Still a delight. Seriously. But hope you take whatever break you need.
Thanks, Marceline 🙂 I won’t be 100% gone. Is this weirdo week is passing I’m finding myself writing something down for a week in review as it goes anyway it’s just such an ingrained in me habit at this point. Not that this one is much fun, this continues to be the week from hell. And the fun continues today. Enough already. This is getting out of hand. I want to do something ACTUALLY fun. Grr, Universe.