Week in Review: Week 297

The Weeks! They just keep on coming!
MONDAY 12.13
It’s beginning to look a lot like Christmas.
You ever have one of those days where you feel like everyone is annoyed at you??
Braved another haircut today, ha ha. I gave THE MOST EXPLICIT DIRECTIONS EVER. And she did well.
Exciting weekend plans ahead! Gonna pick Katie up Saturday morning from Newark (NJ) airport and drive together to my niece’s baby shower in south Jersey. Stay overnight then go a little bit further south Sunday morning to Philadelphia where we will have a lovely mother-daughter Christmas weekend away adventure. Fun! Now I have a MILLION things to do in less than a million time.
Oh, the dreaded Laundromat Day. Plus, just to make things even worse, they’re mask-mandating again. Hot Laundromat + Mask = HELL.
But…at least it’s over for another…oh, six weeks or so. At least.
Car wash day! This is the MOST exciting week! Most exciting week IS! My car is a thing of BEAUTY! The cleaner guy had to REALLY POINT OUT TO ME just how clean the back was. It still had Christmas tree bit parts from last year, a tub of powder laundry detergent had spilled months ago, etc. He did do a wonderful job. I never feel like I’m tipping them enough. But…20%? Do people tip more than that??
Went to Old Westbury Gardens light thingy with SWSRN. It was nice, but…I was having a niggly little feeling in THE KIDNEY STONE SPOT. I tried to ignore and stay positive (IT’S NOT A KIDNEY STONE IT’S NOT A KIDNEY STONE) but alas, Hoping & Wishing is not actual medicine, sooo, it was indeed a kidney stone. By 3am I had to make the decision that I was NOT going to be able to get to Newark Airport (it’s 2+ hours from me) at 9am to get Katie. Sadface. I’d been trying to reach her since 8pm – texting, calling – and no response. I called once more around 6am when she should have been at the Tampa Airport about to board…still nothing. Now I was getting worried cuz she always texts me on her way here to say “I’m boarding now” so I know she is, indeed, on her way, and I should head to the airport.
However, while I was having my kidney stone fun, in a parallel universe Katie was oversleeping and missing her flight to Newark! So NEITHER of us was able to make it! As disappointed as I was, it’s a little funny that we were BOTH prevented from going for different reasons.
Anyway…I went back to sleep til noon and when I woke up I felt fine. Tired…and STARVING (not eating for 22 hours + throwing up from pain = serious hunger). Got deli lunch and here I am. 3pm on sort of a waste of a day. But I’m giving myself the day to just take it easy…and tomorrow I’ll do Florida trip prep things so the week won’t be so hectic.
And crossing my fingers that the stone stays away and doesn’t ruin next week’s trip, also.
SUNDAY 12.19
Slept gloriously late. Read. Studied. Napped. Made a pile of clothes to take to FL.
Documentaries about artist Mark Rothko. I think one of my “resolutions” for 2022 (which I first typed 1922, WHOA) is to try and learn more about art and visit museums/galleries more regularly. We have such a wealth of museums and art here in NY and I’ve taken it for granted that I’ll always live in a place as rich.
So this week I chose Mark Rothko as my “artist to learn about,” when I discovered that he’s the one (well, not the ONLY one, but…) who does those giant big blocks of color. I’ve always been drawn to those. You know, the kind where you go, well, *I* could do that!” ha ha. When in reality, no. Not like that, I couldn’t. But I’m still drawn to them.
Okay. The week ahead – I feel like I’m already behind and it’s only Sunday.
Will 2022 be my year to get caught up??
Laurie E
Is there really such a thing as ever getting caught up? I don’t believe it!
Hope you and your daughter have a lovely visit once you catch up to each other 🙂
Happy Holidays
Oh gosh, is there not?? Sigh. I feel like I’ve dreamed of that for so long.
Happy Holidays to you!
Lisa Elliott
As always, your photos are beautiful! I’m so sorry about the kidney stone and about the time with your daughter. Hopefully, this week will be much better!!!
Thanks, Lisa. Hope you have a nice holiday.