Plus Size Outfit of the Day ~ August 10, 2022

IMPORTANT BUSINESS: I have a retraction to make from yesterday’s post. Re yesterday’s horoscope, I DID have a woman visit me (via text), bringing information involving new scientific or metaphysical studies that I found fascinating and that I wanted to share with others, in the form of some newly-discovered geographical information:
I was called out on that first thing this morning at work, ha ha. I got a good chuckle out of it. Glad to know someone’s paying attention! Usually it’s my sister telling me I have a 50-year-old memory wrong.
ANYWAY. Today was not as hot as the past few days, but it was still hot. And it was Family Day at work, which is an annual event each summer where families come to spend some time with their kids and other families outdoors on the playground with various activities, lunch, etc. It’s a nice event. But a hot one for me on my feet out in the sun most of the day, taking pictures. So it was an ALL LINEN ALL THE TIME day.
My freshly washed (from when I spilled the spicy chicken sandwich sauce on it two weeks back) (mmm, now I want a spicy chicken sandwich) and pressed linen shirt and the (i) linen pants were the only uniform I would have been able to tolerate today.
Still, I was Sweaty Bettye in a matter of minutes. It was not pretty.
Plus, a round of applause please for me wearing a white shirt WHILE EATING DRIPPY CHOCOLATE ICE CREAM OUTSIDE AND NOT GETTING IT ALL OVER ME.
I rock.
Linen Shirt: J Jill, 4x. 2019
Linen Pants: Old Navy, 2x. 2020
Sneakers: Converse Shoreline slip-ons, 2021
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