Plus Size Outfit of the Day ~ Sep 21, 2022

Guh. I hit the wall on Wednesday before I could get this posted. Sleep is a little challenging lately. I’m TIRED. I can’t stay AWAKE in the evening. I fall asleep practically as soon as I close my eyes. But then I wake up repeatedly through the night. And THE DREAMS! My anxiety is riding hard and it’s definitely affecting my dreams, cuz OOFAH. So even if I go to sleep early, I don’t feel rested in the morning and it is SO HARD to get myself up out of bed.
One night a couple weeks ago I woke up with bad bad thigh cramps and that kept me awake and in pain and terror (cramp terror ha ha) most of the night. My sweet friend just sent me this….
It’s essentially apple cider vinegar with some other things like garlic and…ginger? I forget right now. It’s at the ready the next time my legs cramp up. Thanks, friend! I *did* take a little taste night and WHOA – apple cider vinegar is No Joke. Ha. It says you can mix it with juice so I’ll get some whiskey (grain juice) for that purpose.
Another friend’s mother had suggested I put a bar of soap under the fitted sheet and it would prevent cramps while sleeping. I haven’t tried it yet cuz I don’t have a spare bar of soap, but I’ll try and remember the next time I go to the market. Between these two remedies I hope to be cramp free!
Meanwhile, I’m on another 2-week sugar detox. I don’t know why September always feels like the time to do that. Clothes were getting uncomfortably tight again…lugging myself around was getting hard again…so. Time to lighten the load a bit again. It’s only been 4 days but so far, so good. I did promise a friend/co-worker we’d do poke bowls for lunch tomorrow and hey, a promise is a promise.
And I’ve been jumping rope again…almost every day. Frustrating to have to start all over as it’s been so long since I was doing it regularly. I don’t event remember what I was up to. I feel like I passed 50 a couple times…and now I’m back to like 25 on a good day. Sigh.
I’ll get there. With all of it. I’ll get there.
Dress: Osei-Duro, 3x. 2020
Cardigan: BP/Nordstrom, 2x. 2021
Sneakers: Converse Shoreline slip-ons, 2021
Here’s me cheering you on with the no sugar thing. I always say it’s the devil itself, haha. And it’s certainly not easy to give up. But I love how I feel when my body isn’t inflamed and irritated.
PS. One of my favorite outfits
Yeah, that lasted 5 days til an all-day work event Saturday and then a 3-day weekend 🙂 I can manage well on “regular” days, but on days when I’m not home all day…or when I AM home all day (ha ha)…all bets are off. Then I didn’t go to the market this week cuz I thought I was leaving tomorrow night for 4 days in Florida and now…who knows…but I’m out of most “good choice” foods. Will start again when I get home.