Plus Size Outfit of the Day ~ October 11, 2022

After a week of coviding, I attempted to head back to work this morning (with a side of flat tire), only to be kicked to the curb. Return to work fail. Too much coughing. Talking leads to coughing, coughing leads to dizziness. It was not a great situation but. I gave it the old college try.
In the end, I’m allowed to work from home for the time being, which is a help. Much easier to work from home where I don’t have to talk (see above) and can stay still and calm, which reduces the overall coughing and dizziness.
I also went to the doctor (yes, ME) to see about getting an inhaler for the shortness of breath (a genius suggestion on my boss’ part).
It was sort of dreamlike being out in the world. I’ve been inside for eight days…and that was after being mostly inside in Florida for three days before that. I didn’t hate it, ha ha. If money was not an issue I think I could make a very successful life for myself as a recluse. It did seem very… there was just a LOT GOING ON out there. People and cars and talking and sounds. It was nice to get back to my quiet little cave.
At one point when I was driving I had this thought, “am I driving?” Which is probably not a good thought to have while driving. But I made it home in one piece.
Anyway. I think I may have worn the same thing today I wore the last time I posted on here. I’m too…it’s too much effort to even check that right now, and anyway, it is what it is. Maybe this could be my cold weather every day outfit…and the green polka dot dress be the warm weather every day outfit. I think I could live with that.
Mustard Striped Tee: Old Navy, 3x. 2020
Red Plaid Button-down: Sanctuary, 3x. 2020
Jeans: Gloria Vanderbilt Amanda, 22 short. 2018
Sneakers: Converse Shoreline slip-ons, 2021
Carol Ahuja
Feel better soon! And give yourself lots of TLC!
Thanks, Carol xoxo
Sally in St Paul
Between the coughing and the flat tire, I don’t think I would have made it to the workplace door! Glad you are able to WFH while you continue to recover. I would invite you to the next International Meeting of Recluses, but honestly, I’m not going to show up myself.
“Between the coughing and the flat tire, I don’t think I would have made it to the workplace door!” Oh, my guilt complex is STRONG. I’d already used 3 sick days. Other than cancer and kidney stones, I’ve NEVER used that many days consecutively. I’m a 2-day cold-er, typically. More than 2, *I* think people think I’m faking. I can have a 104 temperature, but if it’s Day 3, I feel guilty.
“I would invite you to the next International Meeting of Recluses, but honestly, I’m not going to show up myself.” Oh, I’ll be there. In spirit.