Note: none of the pictures are from this week…

Monday, March 3

VD (ooh, that’s not a good name – she can be J)  friend and I went to Bukchon Hanok Village Observatory (which is really just a very small cafe w three things on the menu, a glassed-in porch, and more stairs than anywhere else in the world.

Took a little trip with a friend to Costco. Whee!

It was windy and colder than I anticipated (and dressed for), and waiting on bus benches I got so chilled – like I hadn’t gotten all winter. So by the time I got home, I was just so COLD. Like cold on the inside. I just climbed into bed to get warm and stayed there for like two hours. I hadn’t even put my groceries away or anything!

Tuesday, March 4

Last day of break. REALLY meant to get out and go somewhere, do something, but. Nope. All I really want to do lately is sleep. I can sleep all day then sleep all night. Maybe not ALL day, but YKWIM.

Wednesday, March 5

Another day we went to a charming traditional tea house in Ikseondong

Back to school. They revamped the main language building (the far-away, up the hill one), so now ALL the language classes are in that building. No one is in the annex anymore. So while I don’t dread CLASS these days…I dread The Walk.

So, usually we have two different teachers. The main teacher on Mon-Wed-Fri and a secondary teacher on Tue-Thur. This term we have FOUR teachers!! One on Mon-Wed, and different ones on Tue, Thur, Fri. What the heck? In a friend’s class they have FIVE teachers, cuz Monday classes will alternate between two teachers. This does not seem like a good plan. But, as usual, no one asked me. Anyway, today’s teacher seemed fine. Cute, engaging, laughes a lot, talks a little fast for me but not like last term.

After school I studied with a building friend. We’re gonna try and do this a couple times each week. I think it will be good.

Thursday, March 6

And another lovely cafe another day

I really liked today’s teacher. But I only have him once a week! Sadface.

I got my big suitcase filled with stuff I’m taking back to leave at Katie’s to lighten my load as I move on. I’ll have an update on that after my trip to the US. It seems to be underweight, so that’s good. Then I think I can fit the stuff I need for myself for the week in my little suitcase…but I’ll pack that up tomorrow night.

Studied after class again with my friend G. He really studies the vocabulary…like the derivation of words…so he really understands them…whereas I just memorize them. He has a photographic memory so doesn’t need to spend the time I do memorizing. I’m envious. Anyway, he’s good to study with.

Friday, March 7

Outdoor pianos are definitely a thing in Seoul

School, laundry, packing, losing passport case (with passport inside), finding passport case. Toilet is clogged.


Short week…here are other pictures that got missed from the last post…desperately playing catch-up here…

I FINALLY finished this MEH book that I started in NO. VEM. BER. I just never felt compelled to pick it up, and anytime I DID start reading, I would almost immediately fall asleep! Cover good, story not so good.

Dinner out with Building Friends: K and G.