If I say “No Words” can I get away with just posting pictures and allowing you to interpret for yourself what’s going on?? Ha.

That might work if I had any interesting pictures to post. I’m just working/packing. Throw in the occasional crying meltdown and you’ve got Me This Week. I’m moving in less than a week. I’m almost down to the wire and at this moment (Sunday morning) it still feels like there’s so much left to do. Hopefully by the end of the day it will all feel a little more controlled. And Tuesday I have some friends coming to help me schlep over some loose items that are hard to pack (large mirrors, baskets, mop, etc) so all those little odds-and-ends will be gone and it will just be boxes and furniture left…and the things I need to LIVE this week.

I did a shoot this morning and was sorely lacking in clothing and accessories that would have made the outfit better…but they were already packed.

This is what life looks like right now. Piles everywhere.


I am the Queen of Flat Tires.


Took my jar of change to the Coinstar. It wasn’t full yet but it was heavy and I knew the cash would come in handy. Guess how much!


A good friend (wink wink) made this beaded dragonfly pin and sent it to me a million years ago when we were both selling on ebay. My online shop was called Dragonfly Vintage Clothing. I keep it with my jewelry and whenever I go through my whole stash I see it and am reminded of someone I know is always thinking good thoughts for me ๐Ÿ™‚


Janey has no idea what’s in store.


I got a haircut. In fact, I got them all cut. Ba-dum-bump.


I have a new favorite thing – InspiroBot. It’s artificial intelligence that makes up inspirational quotes. Sometimes they actually are sort of inspirational. Sometimes they’re hysterical. Sometimes they make you cock your head and go “hmmm.”

??? Ha ha !



I’m at the age where I’m starting to try and find future homes for belongings that I don’t want to just disperse to the world. My parents and sister lived in Japan in the 50s when my father was in the Navy. My mother brought back lotsย of things, but these bowls are one of the few things that have survived and stayed with me throughout downsizing during all of my many moves. I think they are older than 70 years, I think they were old whenย she bought them. They’re partially glazed pottery/earthenware bowls with lids that double as rice plates and saucers. They’re quite charming in a rustic sort of way. I only started using them in the past five years and really love them. Eventually, I’ll be making a move cross country with only what will fit in my car, so I’m trying to find the next owners of the “Mimi Japanese Bowls.” My niece has passed on them and Katie hasn’t responded yet. They’re not exactly a family heirloom, I just hate to think of them ending up with people who wouldn’t know their history or about my mother’s (and then my) love of all things Japanese.


It was really a singular-activity sort of week…and the week ahead will be more of the same, so…apologies in advance. By this time next week, I’ll be in the new place.

Have a good week, friends!