Welcome to the monthly edition of Where Bloggers Live. It’s kind of like HGTV’s “Celebrities at Home,” but…Bloggers! Who doesn’t like to peek behind the scenes and see inside people’s homes? Every month a group of seven bloggers share their workspaces, homes, towns, and more!

This month’s theme is “Where I Lay Me Down,” which could be your bedroom, sofa, tent in the backyard…wherever you settle in for the night to sleep.

I’m boring and like to sleep in the bedroom. In a bed. A soft bed. With puffy fluffy blankets. I used to have a feather bed mattress cover and that was a dream…but the cat’s claws made holes in it and the little downy feathers were escaping…and now I just can’t do down. Maybe someday I’ll find a good substitute, but for now I’m roughing it 🙂

Anyway, I thought I’d give myself a little challenge for this post since my bedroom is no great shakes (I’m just really not feeling this space…maybe cuz it’s too open? I’m not sure) and show a before-and-after overhaul. Because apparently, I am living like a crazy person. Things pile up and I just stop seeing it. So I vowed to get it sorted out in time to post this. The “overhaul” sort of ends at the “clean slate” phase…but that’s a whole lot better than where it was, so…

Please do not be alarmed. I’m really not mentally unstable. I just have more things than places to PUT things. Especially all these clothes that need to be sold. Piles of clothes are the bane of my existence. Correction: PILES are the bane of my existence. I was raised with piles. They are my comfort zone. But not my Happy Place. So.

Oh gosh this is embarassing.

Phew. Okay. So…I got a lot of the mess cleared away (which really means it got moved somewhere else til the fairies come during the night to take it away). And now I have more of a clean slate (relatively speaking) to work with.

Janey’s spot.

This pair of 1930s cut glass lamps need to be rewired and then I can finally have lamps on my dresser. It’s the whole reason I GOT a wide dresser! The 1940s lucite purse was my mother’s and also holds a lot of her vintage rhinestone jewelry and accessories. 

I painted turquoise Buddha years ago and he holds my most commonly worn jewelry. I still love my scented oil diffuser. Tonight I have green tea + lemon for a clean, fresh scent.

Guess I could have cleaned the mirror. I think that’s actually candle wax on there. I used to use it as a tray for a collection of vintage crystal candlesticks and they’d drip on it and I’ve just never taken the time to scrape it off.

I’m so happy I broke down and got a bed skirt. It covers up the metal legs of the cheap bed frame and hides the boxes stored under the bed. Makes a big difference.

Not sure what will go on this dresser (besides the lamps)…for now I’m just happy to not have all that mess there!

Sometime soon I’ll pull pictures from some nicer bedrooms I’ve had in the past. This one just never feels right to me.

It’s amazing how we can live in less than ideal conditions for so long…and we just get used to it…and really it only took a short time to get this area cleared out and it feels SO much better now.

Make sure you visit everyone to see where the magic happens!

Daenel at Living Outside the Stacks
Iris at Iris’ Original Ramblings
Jodie at Jodie’s Touch of Style
Leslie at Once Upon a Time Happily Ever After 
Em at Dust and Doghair