Ahn yong ha se yo! (hello)

I’ve skipped a couple weeks cuz there WAS nothing to review! Pretty much life has been work, class, study/homework, blog/tiktok, repeat. On a positive note, I’ve been pretty disciplined about getting all my stuff done every day. Which is not my usual MO.

Just a couple things went on outside the above schedule:

Had my annual CT scan, with much poking as usual to get my blood which my body does NOT like giving up. I have a virtual appt with the oncologist Monday for results. I’m sure everything’s fine. This is the four-year mark. I believe at five years they will declare me cancer-free

I saw a heart on my window.

I won $25 on a lottery ticket, woohoo!

Up until the mosquitoes found me this week, I’ve been enjoying doing homework and studying on the patio

I actually got out of the area on Sunday with my friend, we went out to Longhouse Reserve (aka Reservoir Garden) in East Hampton. It was a hot day but the garden has many shady areas and there was a delightful breeze all day. We found a bench with our names on it under two weeping cherry trees, at the foot of a pond…and we spent a long time there. It was lovely.

A cute little froggie came up out of the pond to greet us.

I saw a heart petal.

My camera battery charger has run away from home so I only had my cell phone with me today.

There was an exhibit of the deceased owner’s textile collections. I loved these clashing, 70s-esque colors.

When I was almost home at the end of the day I discovered I’d brought a friend home with me…so I pulled into the parking lot at a little local nature preserve and re-homed her.

I took a brave pill this week and asked a couple people from Korean class if they wanted to exchange phone numbers so we could ask one another homework questions…and some of us actually met via zoom over the weekend for study groups. Look at me, spreading my friendship wings, ha ha!

And now it is 9:33pm Sunday and I have miles to go before I sleep.


I just heard this pretty pretty song this weekend. I came across her TikTok and followed her to Spotify. I love that so many artists are getting the exposure they need from TikTok to get their start in the music industry.