Each week in October I would think, oh, maybe I will do a Week in Review post this week…but then I was like…but There’s Nothing to Review!!! So I opted to shield you from the relentless monotony of my days.

Here’s what I did in October: Worked. Studied Korean. Did OOTD pictures/videos for blog posts and TikTok. And when I was too exhausted/brain dead to learn/write one more thing, I watched BTS shows and k-dramas.

Cooper Hewitt Museum of Design. You see me? I see you. Wall design by moi.

And stressed about the future. Not in an “OH MY GOD THE FUTURE WHATEVER IS TO BECOME OF ME” way, but in a…the future is hurtling towards me and I’m not ready yet.

MENTALLY, I’m SO ready. Logistically, not so much.

I don’t think I’ve really told you guys about My Plan. Partially cuz in the beginning it just seemed so ridiculous that even I couldn’t believe what I was thinking. But the plan has morphed again and again as I hit brick walls and had to…come up with new plans. And now it no longer seems ridiculous. Now it seems like the thing I most want to do…and that I feel MEANT to do…and I feel like this is correct cuz of the deep disappointment I feel every time I hit a new wall (SO many walls).

Okay. Don’t laugh.

Hobi (BTS) studying English / Bettye studying Korean.  It’s like we’re the same person.

I Want to Move to South Korea.


Okay. Let me take you back to the beginning. So, you know Katie and I are planning a trip together to Japan. We’re just waiting for their covid quarantine to lift before we can book airfare, etc. The Japan trip has been a dream of mine for awhile. But with my newfound love of All Things Korean, I thought, well, I want to go there, too. But for longer than just a week. A week isn’t long enough to really see all I want to see and really experience a place.

So I thought if I wait til after I retire I could stay a month. A whole month. I could get an airbnb and stay AN ENTIRE MONTH. Ohmygosh a whole month. What a dream.

My grand-puppeh-son is getting so big!

But while researching this trip, I discovered a little thing called TEACHING ENGLISH IN SOUTH KOREA. This is a Big Deal, apparently, as they are desperate for native English speakers to teach English there in the schools and hagwons (private language learning centers outside the public school system). There are programs set up for recruiting teachers, and they arrange everything for you, from placing you in a job, getting an apartment for you, PAYING for the apartment, paying your airfare to S Korea, etc. It’s a one-stop shop to walking into a new life in a new country. So, THIS. THIS is what I wanted to do. I wanted to get a 1-year contract to teach English in Korea. Not only did it sound AMAZING, it made good FINANCIAL sense, given the (unfortunate) value of retirement benefits and rents in NY.

I started looking at the different companies, timelines, preparation, etc. There was someone in my first Korean class who had a friend who had done this, so I asked for the name of the recruiting agency she used. I’m sure, like anything, there’s reputable ones…and not so good ones. And moving to a foreign (REALLY foreign) country seems like the time to take care and make sure you’re using a reputable company with a personal referral.

Heck, those of you know me from before Fashion Schlub, maybe remember Bettye’s Big Adventure: Moving to Brooklyn…and how traumatic THAT was…and that was just a 50-mile car ride away. And I spoke the language.

Anyway…turns out…I’m too OLD to be recruited by an agency. OH THE OUTRAGE. I tried that company, then another…and another. And the story was pretty much the same across the board – they’ve never heard of anyone being placed who was over the age of 40. And even THAT was rare. They really prefer younger teachers who have not been out of school that long.

So many carbs.

Brick Wall

A brief period of despair ensued. That’s how I knew I bad I wanted this. By how disappointed I was to think it may not be possible.

BUT THEN…ha ha…I decided…I’ll just go anyway. Apartments can be had for SO CHEAP (cuz value of Korean won vs US $)…and with my social security benefits…even NOT WORKING, I would be ahead financially to be there vs here. I’ve seen studio after studio after studio in the $5-600 (DOLLAR. US Dollar) range that are darling. Shiny, new, efficient (they can make use of small spaces like nobody’s business), in apartment buildings (not someone’s disgusting basement), in a city…okay wait…here’s just one example…and this is not an exception…this studio is $507 (US). $507!!! In NY, you can’t live in your CAR for $500 a month!!! In the city, literal CLOSETS go for $1500 or more. With a shared bathroom!!! Ugh!

Look at the WINDOW! The VIEW! The LIGHT! The washer/dryer! Mon dieu! Is it small? Yes. But I’m going with NUTH. THING. Small wardrobe, my electronics/camera equipment, and a few personal items. I need room for a bed and desk. And a window with light. And a private bathroom.

Or THIS! $592 us – HOW CUTE! The giant window! The lofted sleeping area with ACTUAL STAIRS!

At this moment, on Zillow, this is the lowest priced NY property. $1500 on Staten Island. Please take a look.


When it rains I must ford the mighty river to get to my car.

Anyway, back to the story. SO. I’m gonna go there for a year and then re-assess. It’s gonna be great, tra la la.

Wait for it.

Brick Wall

Puppy Playdate. Perk of having a landlord who dog-sits.

Apparently, you can’t just DECIDE to move to a foreign country. How this comes as a shock to me…is a shock to me. Ha. It’s amazing what I learn when I peek out from under my rock. There are VISAs. And all kinds of immigration mumbo jumbo. I never really THOUGHT about moving to another country before so…I never REALLY realized it wasn’t as simple as just…moving to another country. I watch House Hunters International. I see them buying villas in Italy and cottages in Costa Rica…how hard could it be to move to South Korea??


It could be hard.

There are MANY kinds of visas…and I don’t seem to qualify for any of them, really.

More disappointment.

Autumn in New York

So, here’s where I am currently. I can stay in SK for up to 90 days without a visa. The question is…(and I haven’t been able to find a conclusive answer to this online)…how OFTEN can I go for 90 days without a visa? Is that a once-in-a-lifetime thing? Once a year? Can I stay 90 days, leave the country, get my passport stamped, turn around and go right back in for another 90 days? I have SEEN this option online but don’t know if it’s a legit workaround or a baby weasel deal. I don’t want to be messing around with immigrations. Nope. And can I rent an apartment withOUT a visa? Will a building owner be like, you’re gonna have to leave in 90 days, I’m not giving you a year lease. And airbnbs don’t seem to be available for more than 45 days at a time (without the prices going up up up)…so rather than LIVING there, I would be a nomad, moving from place to place…where is my STUFF going to live if I have to keep leaving the country every 90 days? How am I going to MEET people and feel like part of the COMMUNITY! Who even AM I asking those questions? And yet….

Oh it’s just fraught with unanswered questions and roadblocks right now. I’m not DONE. I’m not GIVING UP (said she, of the indomitable spirit). But I’m feeling less like I’M DOING THIS and more like…uh, can I do this? I don’t know if I can do this.

I’m trying to comfort myself with this: originally I was excited at the prospect of staying a MONTH. Now I know I could stay THREE months, for sure. But still…that’s different than LIVING there.

And I wasn’t planning to live there for the rest of my LIFE. I was planning on one year…and then re-assessing. Because who knows.

I feel like maybe a visit to the Korean consulate is necessary, but that sounds scary. I feel like they would be the final word on visa eligibility.

View Out / View In

I have time to figure this out. I can’t retire YET. But I’d like to have a sense of WHAT THE HELL AM I DOING? Cuz I can’t stay HERE. And I don’t WANT to stay on Long Island. I want to be in the city. A city. Someplace walkable so I don’t need a car and car expenses…someplace with people around…someplace where I can live the life I want without it costing me an arm and a leg. Cuz social security only affords me about one arm…just up to the elbow. So. Yeah. I’d like One Big Adventure…and then I can settle down in a cardboard box somewhere and just live quietly…until my child is forced to take me in. Ha.

THAT is where my head has been. For MONTHS. But the most recent brick wall just happened this month so I’ve been obsessed with finding a way over or around it. And trying to learn the language so when I go I can actually speak to people (why I think I’ll want to speak to people THERE when I can barely tolerate speaking to people HERE is beyond me, but…let me have my dream). And trying to divest myself of all this STUFF. Because it’s not coming with me.

In fact, Katie is coming up next weekend to help me get organized and get as much stuff OUTTA HERE as possible.

Halloween in New York

OH, and right after the first of the year I’m going to start taking courses on teaching English online. I’m hopeful this is something I can do after retirement to supplement my social security benefits. So soon I’ll be trying to learn Korean AND English. And before you go, oh that’ll be easy, you’ve been speaking English all your life…uh, it’s not that easy…as I’ve been finding out from learning Korean. There are SO MANY RULES that I just do out of habit…or SOUND…but that I don’t actually KNOW the rule. Like, what the heck is a gerund? Past participles? In Korean, there are all these MARKING PARTICLES. Subject marking particle, object marking particle, topic marking particle, location marking particle – I’m sure there are more (so many more) but that’s all I’m up to. WHAT’S THE DIFFERENCE BETWEEN SUBJECT, OBJECT, TOPIC??? How can I TEACH that when *I* don’t even know it!? Hence, “teaching English” courses. You know…in my spare time.

Sigh. I’m exhausted. My brain is exhausted. This ^ is why I haven’t been blogging more than a couple times recently. And I MISS it. You’re my PEOPLE. Who do I TALK to, if not y’all? There have been STORIES! And now they’re just forgotten cuz there was no one to listen to them.

Cooper Hewitt

I did manage to squeeze in a COUPLE activities in October…those are the pictures here. But mostly it was just work, Korean, and OH, BELIEVE IT OR NOT, some form of exercise every day, even if it’s just 5 minutes…jumping rope (I have STILL not broken the 50-jump ceiling), stretching, workout or dance video. And usually it IS just five minutes, ha ha. But it’s SOMETHING.

If anyone’s wondering what workout video has kept my attention consistently, it’s this one:

I chose it for the Health Benefits 🙂

Anyway, I only had time to sit and spill my story out here now cuz I’m on vacation this week. Hopefully, I can get some more things crossed off my list.

I’m going to try and squeeze more (BETTER, mo better, ha ha) blog posts in…even if they’re short. More short might be more manageable than fewer long right now. I don’t know. We’ll see. I’m still trying to figure out how to fit it all in.

I’m still trying to figure out how to LIVE.

Hope y’all are well. I miss hearing from you.

Cooper Hewitt

Today’s anxiety is needing to wash the dishes…and knowing that there’s a big dead gnarly cricket underneath all the flatware that is not going down the drain. Ecch. I’m gonna have to pick up the squishy body with a paper towel and I am SO hoping the world ends before I have to do that.

I will leave you with just one What I’m Listening To. Beautiful voices transcend language.

If you can’t bring yourself to listen to the whole thing, please at least listen to like 2:40-3:10. His voice is just incredible (no, this is not BTS, ha ha).

Sorry this was so long but. My Brain. It’s hard to condense.