Where Bloggers Live: Favorite Holiday at Home

Welcome to the monthly edition of Where Bloggers Live. It’s kind of like HGTV’s “Celebrities at Home,” but…Bloggers! Who doesn’t like to peek behind the scenes and see inside people’s homes? Every month a group of six bloggers share their work-spaces, homes, towns, and more!
This month we’re sharing our favorite holidays at home.
For me, hands down, that is Christmas. The twinkly lights. Wrapped gifts under the tree. A fragrant live tree. The glow of candlelight. The comfort and familiarity of the same decorations coming out year after year. The animals. Taking pictures. And the best part…my favorite person (Katie) spending the afternoon with me, opening stockings and gifts, going out for Chinese food dinner, then relaxing on the sofa later watching tv. With the animals. Taking picturses. By the glow of candlelight 🙂
I don’t honestly know what else to say (wait, what?! where is Bettye and what have you done with her?!?) so I’m just going to share some favorite photos from Christmas past. And by “some,” I mean A LOT. Go get a snack first. I’ll wait.

I love when I have the space to do a whole “Christmas vignette.” The Bushwick apartment was a GREAT Christmas apartment cuz of the high ceilings and nearby mantel.

I like keeping all the lights off except for the tree lights.

I have a lot of vintage ornaments that were my parents’. Enough to adorn the tree AND other areas.

Lil Jane.

I’m obsessed with Christmas light bokeh. I have exactly 12,9875 pictures of it. Madison was such a good model.

Baby Katie <3

Grown-up-ish Katie. Although even this was 10 years ago.

These tree lights were from 1950s Japan. They used to screw into the light strand…but that kind of strand is no more so now I just put them in a pretty vintage dish and set them out at Christmas. They’re one of my favorite Christmas decorations (guess how many more times you’re going to hear THAT today??)

She is. She IS a cat.

Jane. Also a cat.

Yeah. Cat.

This was back in our house….

Confetti bomb Christmas thingie.

I need to try and pull together all the pictures from all the years, of Katie holding a cat in front of the Christmas tree.

Maddy is the reason I stopped using Christmas tree skirts.

More bokeh.

Now Katie’s got her own Christmas animals. 2019

Christmas corner.

The traditional wrapped gift + Christmas tree light bokeh. It’s a classic.

For about 14 years, each year I get a new (old) vintage Christmas tree pin and put it on her stocking for her to see on Christmas morning. Her stocking is Really Heavy now. Now I’ve started one for the boy that’s vintage reindeer pins.

One of my favorite ornaments.

Caleb’s last Christmas 🙁 2017

Our annual Christmas picture from 2019.

All is calm, all is bright…

I have these sweet blown glass bells in all different colors that were my mother’s.

The Aftermath.

Oh how I miss a mantel.

Don’t worry, we’re almost done.

This tree was actually a gift from He Who Ghosted Me.

I do love having ornaments all around the house, not just on the tree.

2018. The year I had (and hated) the small tree. But I did like this hair era.

The End.
I get so sad when I look at old pictures that I don’t have even OLDER pictures. I didn’t really start getting into photography til like 2006-2007 so there’s not many nice pictures from before then…and most of them are actually prints from old automatic film cameras and who knows where THOSE are!
I know you’re crushed that there aren’t EVEN MORE pictures, ha ha!
This is going to be an odd Christmas for me since I’m going to Katie’s. I won’t be decorating here, no wrapping gifts, no animals with bokeh backgrounds. No TREE. Nothing to take 5,903,972 pictures of.
Alright, let’s not get all maudlin, shall we??
Make sure to check out the other ladies’ favorite holidays at home are.
Daenel at Living Outside the Stacks
Iris at Iris’ Original Ramblings
Jodie at Jodie’s Touch of Style
Leslie at Once Upon a Time Happily Ever After
Em at Dust and Doghair
Lisa Elliott
I love those vintage ornaments!! I also love Christmas pictures so I looked at every one 🙂 without a snack!
But…but…SNACK!?!? 😊
jodie filogomo
What a brilliant idea to scatter the other ornaments around the house that way. How did I never think of that??
Okay, the next time I’m at the thrift store, I’m getting a bunch of clear vases/containers so I can make that happen!!
Did I INFLUENCE you to scatter ornaments around the house? AM I AN INFLUENCER?!? Ha ha 🙂
I love Christmas too – the decorations are the best. Loved all your pics from Christmases past.
I haven’t done quite as much decorating this year. Seems like time has just gotten away from me.
Yeah, time is a slippery sucker!