Plus Size Outfit of the Day ~ August 9, 2022

My horoscope for the day. I’m a Virgo. Aug 9, 2022 – A female visitor who needs some sympathy could contact you today. She may want advice on some problems, Virgo, but she could also bring information, possibly involving new scientific or metaphysical studies that you find fascinating and that you’ll want to relate to others. This information could trigger your own insights. Write down your ideas. You’ll want to remember them.
Yeah, this didn’t happen, ha ha.
Fun Fact: Blood type is the Korean astrological sign. They attribute certain qualities to certain blood types and are like, “An O will NEVER work out with a B positive.” I know I’m (slightly ha ha) Korean biased, but the blood type thing seems way more legit a theory than astrology. I mean, it’s your BODY…and your body bits do affect you. Where the planets were when I was born? No. I don’t buy it.
I bought a home blood type kit (you’d think with all my doctor/hospital visits over the last 5 years, SOMEONE could tell me what my blood type is but anyone I’ve asked has been like, yeah, we don’t know that.) over a year ago and do you think I’ve done it yet? Of course not.
“What’s your blood type” is legit a question people will ask when meeting you. That and your age (to know what “respect” they must pay you/speak to you with).
Oh yeah, I wore a dress.
Dress: Junarose, 22. 2017
Sneakers: Converse Shoreline slip-ons, 2021
jodie filogomo
I used to follow a blood type diet. It makes sense, but then again I’m biology oriented.
Oh wow, I’d love to hear that story!
Sally in St Paul
We did blood typing in 7th grade science class – I mean, WHAT? That seems crazy now, but that was a very different time. O negative FTW.
Ha ha that’s so funny. I feel like I might kinda remember something similar, but I don’t think I did it, personally.