Plus Size Outfit of the Day ~ August 15, 2022

Wow, we’re halfway through the month. And the heat wave has broken. I feel like in the past few years (5?), once the extreme summer heat & humidity broke in mid-August it just never came back. I wouldn’t be mad at that. 80 degrees and low humidity is just fine with me for summer.
I had a nice weekend. Did you? Saturday was quiet and I got a couple small projects done in the apartment, then watched k-dramas at night. Sunday I had brunch with a friend then we went to see a local production of a play called “In the Next Room, or The Vibrator Play.” An interesting premise.
Have I told you about my apartment clean-out project? I mean, I know I’ve talked about The Big Clean-Out, but I came up with a better plan/system. I’ve broken the apartment down into teeeeeny tiny chunks…”the corner behind the front door,” “the pile of stuff on the chair under the window in the living room,” “the top shelf of the bookcase next to the computer.” No “today I’ll clean out the living room.” That’s way too overwhelming. So I walked around the apartment one day, counting all the different little spots, even breaking closets down into sub-sections, and I came up with 35 spots. And each week I task myself with doing ONE SPOT. Like this weekend was the 4 cubbies on the bottom shelf of the bookcase by the front door. The top shelf had been done previously. I’m like 4 projects in and it really makes a difference. I fill a box with trash a couple times a week, old cd’s, power cables, magazines, electronic things…and take at least one bag of clothing, bed/bath stuff to the donation dumpster a week. It’s good. It’s making a lot of little dents. And before I know it, I FEEL it. The ease of spaces not being overstuffed with…stuff. It’s delightful.
I’m getting there.
Floral Top: American Rag & Co, 3x. 2016
Jeans: Gloria Vanderbilt Amanda, 22 short. 2020
Sneakers: Converse Shoreline slip-ons, 2020
Laurie E
Understand how you feel about your home projects. Interesting how overwhelming the thought of organizing/cleaning a whole room is! A few weeks ago I was looking at my disaster of a bedroom, and decided I couldn’t deal with it, but since I had laundry to put in a full closet decided to fix that. Took out everything that doesn’t fit anymore. Sorted that by donate and sell piles. The donate pile left the house! The much smaller sell pile was boxed up for future action, and my clean clothes went in the closet. So refreshing to see only clothes that fit and that I like to wear. I’ve been dragging clothes around for years that I haven’t/can’t wear. WHY?!? Anyway, nice to feel successful about one small project, compared to defeated by a whole room. I swear I seriously should have been diagnosed as having ADD as a kid. It would explain a lot! I’ll be slacking off the rest of the week due to a NW heat wave, can’t function in 3 digit temps 🙁
Congrats on getting your small spaces organized. Have a good week!
I never want to let my home get to such an overwhelming state again! And I don’t think it will: a) I won’t live long enough for things to get this bad again, and b) I’ll only be dealing with MY stuff, not other people’s inherited or left-behind items, or ebay overflow.
So glad to hear you had such a successful clothing cleanout – it feels so god, doesn’t it?! I keep admiring my “empty” (relatively speaking) bookcase/cubbies in the living room and it feels so good!
Stay cool!
Carol G.
I like your method! I think I’ll give it a try. The big stuff gets overwhelming.
SO overwhelming! Even small tasks can get overwhelming to me, so…this method is working well for me.