Show of hands: who thought this would never actually happen? Oh, that wacky Bettye and her cockamamie ideas, she’ll never actually GO THROUGH with this! 

I’m grateful for those of you who have been following along since the start of this journey back in 2020 (and not pooh-poohing it)…since discovering k-pop and BTS and k-dramas…and starting to study Korean in 2021…then things just sort of taking on a life of their own…and the next thing I knew I was telling my family at Thanksgiving 2021, Guess What I’m Gonna Do!!! You’ve all been so supportive; no one has actually said (out loud), “YOU’RE CRAZY!!!” Ha. I appreciate y’all not trying to squelch my dreams with silly things like facts and reality 🙂

My favorite quote/meme for a long, long time has been, “Never give up on your stupid, stupid dreams.” I’ve tried to live by that. I don’t always make it, but I give it my best effort.

Things have been progressing for awhile but I didn’t want to say anything definite until, well, everything was definite – and yesterday was The Day of Days:

1. I had my last day of work at my job of 16 years, which was a very emotional, bittersweet experience. I really felt the love the past few weeks; people have been exceptionally supportive of and excited for me.

2. I got the official “in writing” notification from Social Security that I’m approved for my benefits and they’ll start in September (woohoo, free money! Not really, but YKWIM).

3. I sold my car for FOUR TIMES what I thought I would get for it. What is even happening right now???

4. Last night the final piece fell into place: I got the student visa approval notification. That was the last potential “stopper” in the plan…but now it’s…

ALL SYSTEMS GO!!! I am headed to Seoul, South Korea next month on a two-year student visa to attend a language program at Konkuk University.

Breathe, Bettye.

I am Not Used to Everything Working Out, so this is all just a bit….wow.

There have been SO MANY steps to get here, but I’ll share the How To details in a future post – this is just for y’all to know it’s actually happening.

On Wednesday, Katie is flying up from Florida and we’re driving back down in a rental car – just she and I, my two big suitcases and carry-ons that I’ll take to Korea, two big plastic tubs of my things that she’ll keep for me while I’m away (I’m still whittling down, but I can see a dim light at the end of the tunnel), a big tub of things I’m still listing on ebay but ran out of time…and a small tub of things she wants (food processor, old teacups, etc). And a milk-crate full of reading books. I asked my dear office mate (from when I used to work), “do you think I can read 21 books in 26 days?” He was like, uhhh, no? I said CHALLENGE ACCEPTED!

I’ll stay with her just short of four weeks…I’ll visit my sister while I’m down south…and I’ll dog-sit for Katie so she can take some short trips with friends. And then I leave for Seoul, South Korea on August 22.

My soft landing halfway around the world. Note deep tub next to floor to ceiling window overlooking the Han River OHMYGODICANTEVEN. If you need me from 8pm (Korean standard time), Aug 23 til 11am, Aug 25, that’s where I’ll be. IN THAT TUB. Reading, napping, pruning.

I’ve booked myself two nights at a fancy hotel for when I first arrive – I sort of feel like I’m having a Honeymoon for One 🙂 – and then I’ll reserve a goshiwon/goshitel for a few weeks so I have a place to stay while I apartment hunt for a permanent place. Goshiwons are teeny tiny studios (like 6 sq meters) that were originally created as student housing…but I think a lot of elderly live in them, too, as they’re quite affordable. I’ll get a “deluxe” one with a private bathroom and that will be about $300/month in US dollars.


Now that I have the visa approval I can start reaching out to realtors to ask about specific buildings I’ve seen on the various Seoul apartment sites. I have a couple recommendations from bloggers/Instagrammers I follow that I’ll contact first. I’ve had my eye on one apartment building for over a year…it’s just a block away from the school, I like the layout of the unit, and the window and view are a dream. It’s small but it’s all I need. Because it’s right near the university, the shopping/eating areas are always lively and I’m excited to live right in the midst of that.

I’m low-key addicted to watching these “Walking in ___” videos on YouTube. Pick a city, any city, and there’s a video of people walking there. This is the area by my (“my!!!”) university and, hopefully, apartment.

It’s hard to see in the teeny picture, but #6 is the Language Building…and just out of view, photo left, is the apartment I want (fingers crossed!!!).

I start class at on September 6 – the day after my birthday (Happy Birthday, to me!).

Okay. That’s the Korea part.

The blog part is that…”Fashion Schlub” is going to become “Bettye’s Big Adventure” going forward. I still have to take care of all the administrative pieces to that, and I’m not sure yet how that works – if I can just rename this blog (wouldn’t that be simple??), or if I have to create something new from scratch. Once I get to Florida I’ll have the headspace to start working on that.


I know the majority of you started following Fashion Schlub when the focus was plus size style/lifestyle…but I feel like many of you stayed cuz we had a good community here, regardless of the topic, so I hope you’ll stay for the next chapter. The focus(i) will be: life in South Korea/living abroad/travel/travel on a budget/following your dreams at any age, etc. There will still be a style component, it just won’t be the main focus. I will say I have been ub-sessed with a Japanese style that I don’t even know know the name of yet, but it’s oversized, natural fabrics, layering, casual…

Okay. I’ve said a lot of words. It’s been awhile since I was posting regularly, so I just wanted to bring you up to speed…and to give you the heads up that the next post might be from Bettye’s Big Adventure and not Fashion Schlub.

And that…YAY! I’m moving to South Korea!!!

xoxo Bettye