Nothing much happened this week, really. I had a test and a presentation to do – that occupied my mind and mental faculties for the first half of the week. No Hyungeun Night as he was preparing for a presentation he gave at a conference on Saturday. I forget he’s a smarty smart smarty pants cuz he’s so humble. Anyway, after my test and presentation, I pretty much crashed the rest of the week, right through the 3-day weekend. I pretty much stayed in bed from Friday after school through Monday morning when I had to get presentable for a tutoring session. Til then I just lay in bed, played word games on the phone, napped, watched the kdrama I have been watching FOR. EVER. And napped some more. I’ve been sleeping poorly lately so I just felt like if I COULD sleep, I SHOULD sleep, so I just kept dozing off. It was really quite lovely.


I tried once again to do daily OOTD…and this was the only picture I took all week, ha ha

My teacher brought me a souvenir from Namsan Tower – the place I couldn’t go on the class trip last week cuz there are 12,969,352 stairs to get to the viewing platform.

I put it on my book bag. On the hunt for a new book bag for next term. SLIGHTLY larger and not light-colored canvas. And maybe even waterproof.

I’ve been trying to cook a little more lately. I found some Hormel breakfast sausages on Coupang (Korean Amazon) and am addicted. And eggs with cheese. I’m still online grocery shopping. The thought of carrying groceries home on crutches is just…not inspiring.

Supporting myself more and more without the crutches. I still take them to school, cuz THE HILL. Especially going down, is very hard on my knees…and the crutches help take some of the stress off them.

My ^*^$%#!! desk wall. I’m slowly adding in more storage things so the open cubbies are not such an eyesore. It depresses me looking at it like this. I would love to have some pretty display shelves, but…I’m not quite there yet. And that open drawer on the right, Does Not Close, blrrgh. My fault. I had a bunch of plastic shopping bags in there (that’s my one “stuff” drawer) and they managed to make their way BEHIND the drawer creating a lovely cushion so the drawer will not close…and I can’t reach my fat arm back there to pull them out. LIFE.

In this month’s care package from Katie, my grand-puppehs sent me a little gift.

Life Hack du Jour. I forgot to take the butter out of the fridge in time to soften it for spreading on the bagel…so I used the hair dryer to soften it up 🙂

I caught a little sunset sky by leaning way out the laundry room window.

Everything is so GREEN right now. This is the slope to the language building. The slope comes after the hill and before the ramp to the second floor.

As a reward for making it through Yet Another Week, I had a nice ice cream bar on the veranda Friday after class. The weather has been PERFECT for sitting outside in the evening.

And THIS tiny person turned THIRTY-THREE on May 5 – unbelievable!!!