How to Pack for a Warmer Climate
Not that there’s anything wrong with the cold, but it *will* be nice for one week to be in mild temps so I can do stuff without bundling up or my face hurting. But it can be a BEAR to figure out what to bring to a warmer climate when you live in a cold one. So I made a little video about how I whittled down from Many Items to Fewer, More Practical, Items. It’s practically a little baby capsule wardrobe.
It can be especially challenging when there are multiple people involved and you don’t know what everyone is going to want to do, so you sort of have to prepare for every possible contingency…WITHOUT having your suitcase go over weight (50lbs in this case).
And since I just did a video and no still shots from my wardrobe brainstorming (thinking pretty highly of my methods right about now), I will share a few pics that I never shared from last fall, of a cute’n’cozy sweater from Gwynnie Bee.
This is *not* something I’ll be packing to go away. It’s by Rachel Roy, who does a really nice plus size line. One of my favorite summer dresses is from her, you can see it here.
I loved that this cardigan was exactly the same length as the dress below it. It’s like they were made for one another. But it would have been equally cute over blue wash or black denim.
Look at all the pretty colors that are in it! I’m just wearing a solid black base layer underneath – black dress, black tights, black booties – but the outfit looks very colorful just because of this one item. The beauty of the base layer.
Ha ha, funny story. For some reason, I don’t remember now why, I took the sweater off part way through shooting, oh I think I wanted some pictures with it just over my shoulders, which looks cool when I see other people do it but when I do it it just looks like I have no arms. But when I put it back on I turned the shawl collar to the inside so it looks like there’s no collar…and I love a nice shawl collar cardigan. I’m such a derp.
Okay, so it wasn’t that funny.

Look, no collar. D’oh.
And now our time together has come to an end. Almost. Take a look at the video. Tell me if you think I’m not taking enough stuff. I did just order a pair of white jeans that I hope will fit so they can go with me. I think they’ll “warm weather-ify” all my black and grey tops. Do you find you usually end up with too much on trips…or not enough? Or the right amount but just of the wrong things…???
Julia @ When The Girls Rule
I’m the worst packer. I have an idea of what I’ll be wearing but when I get there I don’t want to wear what I’ve packed. And it’s hard for me to imagine the weather is different, like how can I pack for eighty degrees when it’s eight degrees where I am now. I’ve even tried packing ahead of time, not just the usual night before, and still couldn’t get it right. Well, I’m jealous you’re going on vacation, though I don’t think you’ve mentioned yet where. I hope you show us lots of pics. Have fun and I’ll look at your video now!
Fashion Schlub
“I have an idea of what I’ll be wearing but when I get there I don’t want to wear what I’ve packed.” Ha ha, WORD. I think I usually pack too much but then, just like at home, I really just want to wear the same few items over and over again…so this time I’m going to go with that. My laptop, camera and two lenses I want to take are heavy on their own…and I’m toying with the idea of taking ONLY the small suitcase. It’s large as carry-ons go, but the large one is SO large…I bought it when Katie was little and most of my traveling was done with her and I tried to pack all our clothes in one suitcase. But now that it’s just me…hmmm…this would certainly be a challenge…how few items could I get away with for 6 days?
Why don you wear dresses with tights and sneakers? Or is that still to cold? I don t think you suitcase under the weight😂😂😂😂😂 wear a lot of layers on the plane! Where are you going to?
Fashion Schlub
While YOU looked adorable in trainers, tights and a dress, when *I* do it I look kind of like a homeless person 🙂 In the summer I can do sneakers with a dress and bare legs and I feel fine. It might be all in my head, but I gotta live with this head, so…
Oh gosh, you think I’m already overweight (my suitcase)?? That’s why I’m wondering if I can fit into the smaller suitcase, cuz it’s lighter. I need to borrow my landlady’s scale and check.
I don’t know why I feel the need to keep my destination a secret…but I’ll let y’all know when I get there!