Well, the heat and humidity left…and now it’s cold! Ha. In one week’s time I’ve gone from air conditioning to heat. Where did the lovely summer-into-autumn time go, with open windows and dry cool sunny days??

Looking like the end of days out there!

northport harbor 10.17.18

Thursday was Mammogram day. All clear.

It’s fall, y’all.


Sometimes you just need a big jug’o’Fireball.

I finally got out in the world on Sunday on a gorgeous but cold and windy day.

Nice wind-do.


We went to John P. Humes Stroll Garden. You’ll see more of this in Wednesday’s post.

What you didn’t see this week was my self-hosting migration stress when the blog disappeared for like 12 hours and I was in a panic. I think it’s all live and a-go now but I’m still wandering the unfamiliar back-end in a daze and several times a day I’m like Am I On NEW Fashion Schlub or OLD Fashion Schlub?? So if things look a little different or something seems wonky, that’s why. Feel free (and please do!) to let me know if you see something that looks really out of place cuz I’m not always sure I’m seeing what you’re seeing. Right now I’m frustrated because I can’t find how to block justify my text (so it’s neat straight lines on both sides) and today, that could quite easily make my head explode. Other things are going on outside my blogging world and I’m on edge. Where’s a big fluffy dog when you need one to hug??

So, this week I did a little experiment – I tried using my (very anal and detailed) To Do list at home every day like I use at work. I mean EVERYTHING goes on there. Big and small. Immediate tasks and long-term goals. I started writing out the process here and it was getting so long it occurred to me maybe it could be its own blog post, so look for that soon if you’re “into” productivity. But it’s still relevant here because this week I made the decision to use it as faithfully at home as I do at work. And it was good/exhausting. But mostly good. And exhausting. Ha. I was definitely more productive, ate better, and the dishes got washed.

I realized that a lot of what has been passing as “blog work” in the past was really just falling down internet rabbit holes and not really accomplishing work. The List is the reason I’m finally self-hosted (for better or worse? I’m looking at you, ragged paragraph edges) and a couple other good things. We’ll see if I can keep it up. Because, as I said, it was exhausting.

Something else I did this week that’s sort of outside The List, is I told myself that the first 30 minutes when I get home is for HOUSE STUFF. I will not “sit at the computer for just a few minutes.” Because we all know what that means. I will wash the dishes, make a meal, take out the trash, clean the bathroom, carry cardboard to the car, sweep the floor, re-arrange a shelf, unpack a box, photograph items to sell online, clean the litter box, etc. All the things Real Adults probably do every day anyway, but I just don’t. And to be clear, I’m not doing all those ^ things Every Day! I am spending 3o minutes doing as many things like that as I can. And you’d be surprised how much you can actually get done in 30 minutes! Who remembers Fly Lady? Is that still a thing? I just looked, and yes, it’s still a thing. An annoying thing to be sure, BUT she taught me about The 15-Minute Fling (or something like that). You set a timer for 15 minutes and you hurry about your home putting away as many things as you can before the timer goes off. It’s amazing what a difference can be made in just 15 minutes.

Wow, I’m chatty today. I didn’t get out much this week…or even talk to people. So. Lucky you 🙂

PS – don’t forget about the Fogless Blog post in two weeks, keep your links and pictures coming!

PPS – I posted a brief video on YouTube – What I Wore This Outfit, but it’s only three days, so…brief.

And that is all she wrote, for this, Week #42 (wow, only 10 to go!) of 2018.