2018 was kind of a rough year for me – I had some significant losses and entered the world of anxiety in a way I never have before. But through it all, I tried to find things to laugh about…and there have definitely been some silly/funny/ugly/awkward moments during photo shoots this year (as usual!), so I thought I would share some with you.

I’m still struggling with the remote shutter


The Good, the Bad and the Ugly

Friends shouldn’t let friends share pictures like this on the internet.

Now the one below this was an April Fool’s Day prank outfit…and many people thought it was a legit outfit!!!

In my mind’s eye, this would be a lovely photo. HA HA HA HA HA.

sweaty bettye

If it’s more than a couple degrees above freezing…I’m sweating.

I developed a very annoying posing habit this year

Can you guess what it is??

Oh Look, A Quarter!

A popular model pose, looking down at the ground instead of the camera, as though you’d just spotted something wonderful. Like a quarter.

Wow. I musta seenย two quarters!

Look! Up in the sky! Is it a bird? Is it a plane? No! It’s a quarter!

Here we have a double category – Quarter AND Upturned Toes! Clearly I am a master blog model.


A lot. And it always cracks me up. I get quite a kick out of myself.

nice hair

shooting Conditions are not always optimal

Wind is the nemesis of photographers everywhere.

The Director’s Always Right

Or so The Director thinks. I’m quite directorial when other people are shooting me.

Universal gesture for “turn the thingie on top of the camera.”

Sometimes I let other people direct.

Okay, stop shooting.

No. Really. STOP SHOOTING!!!

but there’s always Lots of Laughter

I hope you enjoyed this look back at some of 2018’s lighter moments.

I’m so so grateful to all the friends, family, passers-by on the street who help me capture these (and other!) pictures for the blog. I couldn’t do this without you! Thank You Thank You Thank You.

xoxo (Sweaty) Bettye