I’m going to confess up front – I dialed it in a bit with this post. When I got this wine and navy striped cardigan from Gwynnie Bee I knew I wanted to wear it with my blue and white striped oxford shirt that’s been in the “sell” pile for ages (you last saw it two years ago here).  I loved the stripe on stripe concept. But the blouse is slightly snugger than I like…and the cardigan is slightly larger than I like…so I’m not really going to wear this outfit anywhere, but I do like it in concept and wanted to show it to you.

Skinny stripes with really wide stripes is an easy pairing. Keep the colors simple. Since the sweater is two colors, I kept the blouse to one color. Combining two multi-color stripes is some advanced level pattern mixing – proceed with caution!

Now for the vent

I’m way behind this week (and it’s only Monday!) because of working our dinner dance event on Saturday. I should have shot at least one of my outfits over the weekend and I did NONE. Then this afternoon I had my 6-month oncology check-up – everything’s fine, but it ran long and I was afraid I wasn’t going to have time to get home, iron the blouse, change, find a shooting location and get the shoot done before I lost the light…so I only spot-wrinkle-fixed and shot on the patio at the apartment, which I’d told myself I wasn’t going to do again until I’d cleaned it up and springified a bit.

So – my bad. I have to say…moving to four posts a week has been a bit of a stretch for me, but I was managing. But now that all the storage stuff is home and I’m trying to get boxes emptied and stuff listed on ebay…that’s putting me over the top. Next week is two more evening work events. So I don’t see things getting easier anytime soon.

I get frustrated when I have ideas…but not the time to implement them properly. And I put a lot of pressure on myself to maintain schedules that I make up for myself. No one is standing over me with a whip saying SHOOT TWO OUTFITS A WEEK! POST FOUR TIMES A WEEK! LIST FIVE THINGS ON EBAY EVERY WEEK!  I do this to myself.

On the one hand, keeping a busy, productive routine helps me – the distraction of the work keeps me from obsessing over things and letting the anxiety take over. And there is certainly reward for working hard – the blog grows and succeeds, I get more stuff out of the apartment, I put more money into savings and work on paying down debt. That’s all good. But it’s a fine line to cross over into obsessiveness, which is one of my special gifts.

I love the blog. LOVE IT. Love doing it, reading and responding to comments, love all the blog things. But I’m just feeling very time-pressed right now…and spread a little thin.

SO. I may cut myself a little slack this week (I haven’t quite convinced myself of this yet, but quite honestly, I don’t see the time available this week to do all the things I want to do!) and only post once more after this…and save Month in Review til next week….OR…skip it altogether (OH THE HORROR).

I know you all understand. I know no one is so hanging on my every word that lives will be changed forever for missing a post or two. Ha. Ha ha.

On a bright note, I give you some Janey pictures! I thought they might brighten up an otherwise wrinkled, lame, whiney post 🙂

Okay…if I don’t see you again this week, have a good one!

What I’m Wearing

  • All old stuff. Ha.