Gonna make this a little brief. It’s Sunday night and I’m exhausted. I thought I had already started this and just had to add “sunday,” but lo and behold, there is nothing here! Good news for you, I won’t be all blah-dy blah blah.

Week in Review: GO!

Monday was blood work and weird meeting with the oncologist. He seemed very confused. I go for a CT scan this week.

Tuesday, April 2, was Autism Awareness Day so I wore blue to “Light It Up Blue for Autism Awareness.”

Cool mushroom greeted me in the driveway one morning.

Spring is springing!

Crashed on the sofa early Friday night after an afternoon at the laundromat. Read for a bit listening to the rain on the window. Friday was, quite literally, glorious…knowing I had two full free days ahead, unlike last weekend.

Saturday was a lovely day…I drove through the old town on the way to pick up dinner and was rewarded with this view.

Went to a giant photography show in the city today. Can you guess what this is?

The creativity of others never ceases to amaze me. What they photograph, how they edit, what they print on…there’s like an infinite number of ways to produce an image. That’s why I love shows like this, cuz it sparks ideas or makes things you never even knew existed, possible.

I did a thing. I traded in 3 lenses and my old camera body (and a little on the credit card) in exchange for this baby. I wanted to share some of the pictures I took today, but I don’t have a cable yet (the magic of Amazon will bring it to me Tuesday). I’ve wanted this camera for a lonnnggg time. I’ll give a big shoutout to She Who Shall Remain Nameless for haggling on my behalf (I stink at that) and saving me some money. WOOT, SWSRN! WOOT!!!

And that’s a wrap! I’m off to bed…hoping this week goes as quickly as last!