I had a DM exchange on Instagram this weekend with a blogger/Instagrammer I admire for her energy and positive attitude. This weekend she seemed a tad low and was even questioning if she should really keep going with blogging. She just wasn’t feeling it.

I messaged her that we don’t always need to be at 100% All The Time. In fact, I RARELY feel I’m at 100! I feel like I’m generally around 75% with occasional flashes of 80-85%…and many slumps down in the 30 range.

This can be hard for anyone, and certainly for those of us who have chosen to put ourselves in the public eye. It’s frustrating to feel that you’re letting people down…by not being as witty or entertaining or stylish or informative as usual. But No One can maintain 100% all the time…and I think it’s unreasonable to put that kind of pressure on ourselves – any of us. Bloggers, parents, teachers, creatives, whatever.

Where we could all stand to stay at 100 is in being kinder to ourselves! Cut yourself some slack. Leave the dishes in the sink if you’re tired. Skip a blog post now and then if it’s just too much. Play hooky from work and stay home in bed.

Life is so demanding. All. The. Time. But you can say NOT TONIGHT, LIFE. I NEED A BREAK. Civilizations will not crumble if you don’t put away the laundry. Your children will not turn to drugs if you lay on the sofa one weekday afternoon watching movies. Your blog readers will not vanish into thin air if you miss a post. Or even two.

Life is short. And you only get one. Try and spend more of it being kind to yourself, taking some pressure off, and rewarding yourself occasionally for a job done only passably-well.

It’s okay to spend time at 75%.

Ha. How was that for a pep talk? It was the anti pep talk! I’m challenging you to cut yourself some slack today!

I definitely gave myself permission to be at 75% this weekend for this photo shoot. It was rainy in the morning, I wasn’t sure it was going to clear up and I just couldn’t see putting 100% effort into getting dolled up just to stand out in the rain and wind up looking like a drowned rat. So I dressed down a bit for the day. Wore ugly sneakers vs. cute. This is reality, folks!

You’ve seen this kimono before, way back here in 2016. It’s been on the chopping block many times but it always gets pulled back from the donation pile when I’m desperate.

What I Wore:

Thanks to Linda for today’s photos!

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