So, informal poll here: do you prefer the chatty Week in Review posts…or the ones that are mostly pictures with a caption?

Giant heron.

Tee hee.

Reward for walking.

Giant butterfly. There seems to be a theme.

I don’t think it is, but is this poison ivy? I thought poison ivy had 3 leaves (“leaves of three, let it be”) but this just looks sort of dastardly to me and it’s springing up all along the steps to my patio.

Birthday party at work.

I’m not sure what this was about.

Went into Greenpoint. Brooklyn with my friend on Saturday. This is a neighborhood I visited a lot when I first moved to Brooklyn in 2009. It still had a good industrial waterfront area then and lots of street art. Caleb and I would hang out at a little park on the East River and take pictures in front of wall murals. I was so disappointed to see that so much development has taken place since that time 10 years ago. Buildings have been torn down or are barricaded, awaiting the building of expensive, high rise condo complexes. We could barely find any art at all.

We did slip into a very ornate church in-between a communion and a wedding.

We got lunch at the deli than sat at a park to eat. It was So Hot!!!

I love that this building hasn’t changed At All in 10 years.

Do Not Cross.

Another church…another theme.

Forgot to Get Your Number / Upstate Date? Just Watered My New Plant

I played Lotto on Saturday and lost the ticket…so you KNOW they were the winning numbers.

And today is May 5. Feels a little like “it was the best of times and the worst of times.” If I were prone to drama. I really just feel like going to bed. Til Friday.

Another week down. Wow. I need to find a cheery-uppy thing soon.

Til next time, Cheerful Bettye