It’s getting a little boring to keep saying I’m super-busy and exhausted, but.  I’m not exhausted in the way I was earlier this spring when I was not feeling well, and I was low energy and getting shaky and having dizzy spells. I’m just exhausted from being busier than usual, more active than usual, possibly still from time change/increasing darkness, and maybe even from sugar detox. Hopefully, the 4-day weekend ahead will sort me out and I can start next week on a little more solid footing.


Golf. It was our big annual golf outing fundraiser. We had over 200 golfers, then a cocktail hour and dinner. I take pictures all day long. It was HOT. The day was hot, the sun was strong. I got sunburned. This was probably the most sun I’ve had all year. This was the first year I got to use a golf cart. What a treat! I had a place to sit in-between pictures, I got to photograph different areas of the beautiful course without having to walk up hill and down dale. And zipping along at top speed helped cool me and dry my face and hair sweat 🙂  Unfortunately I did get my usual “event pain,” the thing the Dr is guessing is a pinched nerve caused by a slipped disc that causes an ever-increasing burning pain under my right rib cage when I am on my feet for any length of time. By the end of the event I can barely stand up straight and I am EVER so relieved to get to my car at the end of the night. The MINUTE I sit in the slightly reclining seat, the pain disappears.

My trusty steed for the day.


Back to normal work day. Golf debriefing. Camera club. Putting together a golf “thank you” slideshow to send to participants, editing pictures, writing a blog post and newsletter article – golf continues even after it’s over. But I was happy to have my tired butt in a chair most of the day. And my white blouse looked really nice against my new golf tan. I went sneaker hunting (unsuccessfully) right after work then I came home and straight to the sofa with a book. My body feels DONE.


Sort of a blur. Work. Camera club. Trying to wrap things up before the long weekend. Trying to get ahead of body tiredness. Skipped a dinner with friends.

Tell me Walt Whitman doesn’t look kinda like old-timey Alex Baldwin.


I don’t think my butt touched a chair today (gross exaggeration, but). It was go go go. Development meeting, tying up loose ends, camera club at the farm then camera club two at an animal sanctuary 20 minutes…that had closed early. Boo. Then home for an hour after work where I just lay on the sofa. No book, no podcast, no music. I just lay quietly on the sofa, grateful for a moment of stillness. Then back to “work,” to photograph our Adventureland event. This is a nice event we host twice a year – a local amusement park closes to the public and we sell tickets to families of children with autism so they can enjoy the park without the usual crowds and long lines. The weather was lovely, a lot of people showed up. I did a couple laps of the park, shooting who I could (for privacy reasons I can only photograph our kids, and that’s a very small percentage of the 1000ish people that attend), but when my pain started, I left. I wasn’t “on the clock” working, so…when I felt it was time to leave, I left. I returned, gratefully, to the sofa when I got home and watched the season premieres of Grey’s Anatomy and A Million Little Pieces. Yay, TV!

Realized today that summer had officially ended and autumn begun. That’s how under it all I am right now.


I’d planned to go to a big art exhibit on Governor’s Island with friends….but when I woke up in the morning my body said NOPE. Just Nope. So I stayed inside on a beautiful day and piddled on the computer, read, started a book review page on the blog, made a to-do list which I totally ignored, watched a couple movies and took a nap. It was glorious.


So it’s the last day of the 2-Week Sugar Detox. I slipped a tad towards the end of this week. Nothing SO off-plan, but, just more food. Since tv shows came back, I snacked more. Popcorn. Which is not OFF plan, but I ate two whole bags (microwave, sea salt) in two nights. When I got tired of popcorn I moved to Triscuits with butter. Again, not off plan, but it’s just more food than I’d been consuming for the past week-and-a-half. I don’t generally snack while I read…but I do while I’m watching tv. And yesterday, being home all day, I was dying for something to drink THAT WAS NOT WATER. So I had two (small) glasses of water with a slice of lemon (you know I’m desperate when I put lemon in my water but it’s all I had) AND a packet of Equal. Like I said last week I don’t think sugar is an addiction for me. I think it’s a habit. I was able to stop it pretty easily when I said STOP, but things definitely taste better with it.

Total loss over two weeks: 8lbs

AND, I’m having a day off today! I’m allowing myself This Day to have a deli baconeggandcheeseonaroll for breakfast and takeout lasagna for dinner…and I’m debating on EITHER a McD’s sweet tea or a scoop of mint chocolate chip ice cream from Baskin Robbins. The sweet tea is the thing I have craved the MOST over the two weeks and I’m concerned about the taste setting off cravings all over again. THEN I’m going to continue into a 3rd week with the addition of wheat flour so I can have a sandwich.

We shall see.


A Small Indiscretion by Jan Ellison. Basic Premise: Long, basically happy marriage. Wife feels compelled to share “a small indiscretion” with Husband who is left hurt, angry and unsure of future of marriage. Next thing you know, Son has terrible car accident and Wife & Husband have to work together work through that. You read back in time to how the indiscretion came to happen…and how the car accident came to happen. And all the rest.

A favorite quote from the book: “I suppose unrequited love is the hardest kind to shed because it is not really love at all. It is a half-love, and we are forever stomping around trying to get hold of the other half.”

I loved the writing. The story was compelling. Two thumbs up. I was disappointed to discover this is the only thing she has written, although the notes at the end of the book intimate that there is another. Somewhere. Someday. 4.65/5

what i’m watching

This is my network TV series roster. Some started this week, some start next week.

  • Grey’s Anatomy: been a fan since Day One. Every episode makes me cry.
  • A Million Little Pieces*: like it, don’t love it. But there are so few tv options in the non-police/lawyer/mystery/medical/political/espionage/reality categories. Beggars can’t be choosers.
  • This is Us: sort of same as above. like don’t love. I’m not sure why.
  • Modern Family: ditto. ha. But I’ve watched from the beginning and this is the last season, so…
  • Single Parents: A little embarrassed by this one but what are you gonna do? I was surprised it came back for a second season.
  • Bless This Mess: Didn’t expect to like this, but…I kinda do.

I am really disappointed that Splitting Up Together with Jenna Fischer and sigh Oliver Hudson isn’t coming back. It was really endearing.

I like more streaming/cable series, but they’re short seasons with long gaps between. Network fills in some gaps:

  • The Marvelous Mrs. Maisel
  • Grace & Frankie
  • You’re the Worst
  • Better Things
  • The Walking Dead (sigh)
  • Veep – not sure when I’ll be able to see this, I don’t have HBO here
  • Divorced – I’m waiting to be able to see the final 6-episode season somewhere, but, HBO. Disappointed that was canceled. I like both Sarah Jessica Parker and Thomas Hayden Church.
  • Transparent: debating if I even want to watch the ridiculous-looking 2-hour season finale MUSICALE. Ucch. It was such a good show. I hate for it to have a disappointing ending.
  • After Life w Ricky Gervais
  • Dead to Me

Is anyone watching anything they really like right now? Refer to *A Million Little Pieces for what I’m not interested in. I really miss shows like The Office, Parks & Rec, New Girl, 30 Rock, How I Met Your Mother, Friends, ThirtySomething (I’m really dating myself there), Rescue Me, Girls, Weeds, Arrested Development, Friday Night Lights, Parenthood, Everwood, The OC, Sex & The City, Californication, Gilmore Girls.

I watched one good movie yesterday.

YESTERDAY: Really cute. Failing singer/songwriter is suddenly the only person in the world who has heard of The Beatles or any of their music. GO.

Alrighty then. Not the most exciting of weeks. Fingers crossed next week is a little better.