I know, I know, I’m a good six weeks behind the PUMPKIN! SPICE! ON SEPTEMBER 1ST! bloggers. But first, September was like a non-month for me. Where did September go? I don’t know. And second, so many fall COLORED things are also fall WEIGHT, and it’s just been Too Warm for that!

I saw this dress 6ish weeks ago on my trip out to the messy Old Navy that carries plus sizes. I tried it on in a 3x and a 4x. The 3x was perfect in the shoulders and bodice, but mad snug through the belly. The 4x was loose and full in the skirt, but droopy in the shoulders and bodice. What’s a Girl To Do?Ā I left both dresses at the store and went next door to Trader Joe’s and got a loaf of Pancake Bread instead.

But the prairie-style goldenrod dress stayed on my mind. It’s very un-me, but IĀ love it. I love it so hard. I broke down and ordered it online…in the risky 3x. It’s been hanging in my closet for like a month waiting for shoes and a cool enough day that I could wear the denim jacket and not DIE. In that month I did the 2-week Sugar Detox. And now I’m So Happy I went with the 3x!

I love it with the cropped denim jacket. I’ve also tried it on with a similar-colored chenille cardigan I have and love that combo as well. I even tried my oversized blush pink turtleneck over it, so the dress looks like a skirt, and it’s super adorable. I’m digging mustard/gold with soft pink. I’m creeping on Poshmark for a pair of used prairie style lace-up boots (with zippers on the side). And oh my gosh, then I will be The Person I Wished I Was in 1990.

The moral of the story is…when you’re in a store trying things on, grab a couple things that are not your usual style. You never know.

What I Wore:

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