Wasn’t it just Christmas?? And now tomorrow is February. January passed in the blink of an eye. It’s all passing in the blink of an eye!

I tried to squeeze a little more out of January than I’m usually able. For some reason, January/February always seem to bring Big Changes to my life…but (knock on wood) so far, so good. I’ve got my fingers crossed for February.

As I said in a recent post, I always think I’m going to go a little slow in January, be reflective, figure out what the new year should bring. But this year I’m just too excited to DO. I want to take ALL the pictures and blog about ALL the things and get back to doing video and do more on Instagram…unfortunately I am not a lady of leisure and I do have to go to work every day and wash the dishes (well, ha ha ha) and, you know, Do Stuff. And by the time I get around to doing the things I want to do, I’m pooped. Or it’s dark or it’s cold or my white jeans are dirty, or whatever the roadblock du jour is.

But I do think I’ve been better about Doing the Work and not just getting lost down rabbitholes on the internet.

So January started with that #jan20x20 challenge, which was fun and inspiring and got me thinking more about my wardrobe.

I got my second Nuuly box, which was loads better than the first one. Three of the items were included in my 20×20. And…there were two things I liked so much I bought them (I know I know!). The red plaid Sanctuary blouse – I wore it four times during the 20 days and there were still more ways I wanted to wear it. And it gave a nice little pop to my otherwise neutral wardrobe.

And I really splurged and bought the horse coat – it’s really a “sweater blazer,” but it’s wool and quite warm and all I need on most days. It’s really an outlier kind of item for me – not my usual invisible sort of thing. But sometimes I like that. But buying those two things is the main reason I’m going to cancel (for now) the subscription when I send back my February items (after my trip). I love the things too much and it’s just too much of a temptation. It’s great when you know you have something special coming up – a trip or event or company coming, but…yeah. Nipping that in the bud. Boo hoo.

Winter finally came to NY for real in the middle of the month and now most days I’m wearing “long jeans” and sneakers and not the cuter cropped pants with flats. I never did find a pair of ankle boots (again). Spring will be here soon enough and I can go back to bare ankles and flats.

I lost a really important member of my wardrobe family this month- the Charlotte Russe skinny jeans. Five years we were together and there’s a real hole in my wardrobe now. I wore them A LOT.

One of my goals for this year was to try and get off Long Island more…like once a month. Early in January my friend and I went to Staten Island on that beautiful warm weekend and had such a nice day. A little distance from your usual stomping grounds can be so refreshing. And I’m looking forward to my trip to San Diego in February to visit Katie, so at least for the first sixth (ha ha) of the year, I’m going strong on my goal!

Another goal is trying to be more mindful of my photography. For awhile now, unless I’m doing a photo shoot, I don’t even carry my camera around with me anymore, I just rely on my cell phone. And that’s nice, and cell phone cameras have come a long way, but…they’re still not a fully controllable camera. This apartment discourages me, the lack of pretty and nice light…and I spend so much time working on blog posts that I don’t get out much anymore just to wander around and “look for pretty.” But I really want to make that effort again. And to share that here on the blog.

I managed to keep up the entire month with tracking what I did, what I wore and what I spent. Woohoo.

I will give January Two Thumbs Up! How was your First Month of the New Decade??