Last week of February. Back to a 5-day workweek. With people. 


My mother gave me that little red new testament when I was young and still went to Sunday school (until my friend and I started ducking out and going to the nearby hardware store and buying goldfish with our collection plate money). When I was moving some things around I opened it and found this picture of my mother and father on their wedding day right inside the front cover. I don’t know why it was there. But. It seemed to need a picture.


A little birdie told me today she had inquired at Mejuri about buying One Earring…and you can! I so appreciate her thoughtfulness in taking the time to look into that…I would have said imgonnaimgonnaimgonna for weeks. But now I have a lone earring headed my way! And this time I’ll take them to both straight to a jeweler to get the clasp tightened up!

I was going to go to the movies this evening…but in the end, it was dreary and I was tired…so I just grabbed some snacks on my way home from work and came home and watched The Intern with Robert De Niro (love) and Anne Hathaway (meh). It was sweet.


Feeling tired. Grateful it’s almost the end of the week. Finally I got my tax refund. After 20 years of getting it quickly via direct deposit, this year for some reason it took 4 weeks and arrived by check. Ugh. Now I can seriously look at computers. This one is sad and old and tired. And maybe get a few things off my spring clothing wish list.


Valentine’s month is over.

Finally I got a new computer. Hallelujah. I will try to get it set up over the weekend. I have to transfer all my files from the old PC onto an external hard drive and that could take a while.


The weekend was pretty much a blur of COMPUTER HELL. Setting up, things not working, trying trying trying again, returning to store, resetting up, things STILL not working, installing uninstalling rebooting help me help me FINALLY around 8pm Sunday night I got enough things sorted out to function. But really…other than a lunch out with a friend on Sunday (only cuz I was already out to take the computer back to store)…the entire weekend was devoted to computer setup problems. And some reading and napping on the sofa Saturday afternoon.

In other scintillating life news, my car hit 100,000 miles. I’d hoped this car would last me till I retired and then I’d live in a walkable area so could get rid of the car. But that was when I thought I might retire at 62. Now I’m thinking 65 is more reasonable so now the car needs to last three extra years! I don’t want to have another car payment between now and then. So far it’s treated me well and has only tortured me with tire and brake issues. Fingers crossed that trend continues.


I didn’t realize when I announced the Amazon Gift Card drawing, that this week’s Week in Review would NOT be on Monday as usual because of the Ageless Style Linkup. So I’m doing the drawing now but you won’t read this til Tuesday…

So…here we go…

Pamela Gray is the winner! Woot! Woot! Your Amazon Gift Card is whooshing its way to your inbox at this very moment! Let me know when you get it!











A Little Life by Hanya Yanagihara. First: I give this book a 5/5. That is RARE for me. I think I’ve given like three other books (To Kill a Mockingbird,  Jane Eyre and The Power of One) a 5 EVER! Here’s the thing: it’s one of the most relentlessly disturbing books I’ve ever read…but also the most beautiful. The writing was almost poetic to me and was the kind of writing I like: direct. Not flowery or overly-descriptive. The subject matter was very difficult…sexual abuse, physical abuse, emotional abuse, pedophilia (are you thinking and this is the best book she’s ever read??)…but it was contrasted with friendship and strength and unconditional love.

I’d started reading it a few years ago…and just couldn’t get past the first bit – there were so many characters, I couldn’t keep them straight…and I gave up. Lizzie Hadfield from Shot from the Street read it recently and so raved about it I thought I would give it another try…and I’m so glad I did. And once I started again I couldn’t stop. And it’s LONG…over 800 pages, so it will take you a good chunk of your life.











Edinburgh by Alexander Chee. Uhm. Before you mark me as having a “type” of book, let me say I had No Idea what the premise of this book was. Someone recommended it, I don’t even remember who, but I read it based on recommendation alone. Anyway, guess what it was about? Pedophilia and sexual abuse. Also, a very lyrical, poetic style of writing. Things weren’t said outright, it sort of felt like you were just seeing shadows through a filmy screen. It was only afterward that I was like, oh, wait, is THAT what was going on? I’m giving this a 3.5 for lovely writing and handling difficult subject matter sensitively. But…it just never really got into me. It didn’t get me emotionally invested. In A Little Life, I felt like I KNEW Jude, the main character. I loved Jude. After I finished the book I felt that I MISSED him. Edinburgh was like yeah yeah yeah okay it’s over. Maybe I was just overly saturated with the subject matter and couldn’t absorb any more.

And now I am taking a break from dark stories and am reading Shrill, by Lindy West…but I’ll give a full report on that next week.


Mostly catching up on series I watch and had fallen weeks and weeks behind on: Grey’s Anatomy, This is Us, A Million Little Things, Modern Family, Shrill (the series). I already told you about the one movie I watched, The Intern. And that’s it.

That felt like a long week. But Monday is already behind me with the alteration in the posting schedule. NEXT weekend I intend to have some FUN and R&R to make up for THIS lost weekend.