You’ve seen a lot of this place lately; Peconic River Herb Farm. It’s a favorite spot of mine to visit. To buy plants, take pictures, or just to wander around enjoying the serenity of the space.

It was an eventful outing as it was my first time in a car with another person (masked) in three months. Hopefully, all is fine. I guess we’ll know in a month.

I’m wearing an old favorite. Yet another Junarose dress. This one was generously gifted to me when I was having chemo three years ago, by Alexis Kraus of PlusBKLYN, a boutique dedicated to plus size clothing: new, secondhand, and vintage. She was so thoughtful to think of me.

I’ve always thought of it as my Grapes of Wrath dress cuz it just sort of has Depression Era vibes to me, which I love. I wore it bunches the first year, then washed it in cold water, gentle cycle, air dryer, and still, it shrunk šŸ™ Because it was deemed unwearable, it didn’t get packed with my actual wardrobe and out of sight, out of mind. But I found it recently, ran it through the cold gentle cycle at work, gave it some width-ways tugs and presto, I’m back in it.

It’s another 100% viscose dress, a little different feel than THE Junarose dress, notĀ quite as soft and airy, but still light and breezy (please don’t ask me to describe the difference between airy and breezy) and a pleasure to wear on a hot day.

I’m still in my grungy Keds cuz No Buy June, but I’ve got the taupe crossbody bag I bought in DSW’s buy-one-bag-get-one-free sale in May. It’s always disorienting to use a new bag because things are not all in their usual places. So there was a lot of unzip this pouch, nope, that’s not right, rezip it and unzip THIS pouch…hmm, no, must be in the middle pocket!Ā  Every. Single. Time. I am not a quick learner.Ā  I have to repeat something like 50 times before it somewhat firmly resides in my muscle- and brain-memory.

It was nice to get outside the small box my world has become the last few months. I’ll leave you to just enjoy some of the scenery.


  • Junarose dress, size 24. Old.
  • Keds Champions
  • Hat, gift, unknown brand
  • Bag

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