I haven’t done one of these in a long time but I saw this picture on Instagram the other day and was like I could recreate that outfit!

Obviously, I own an invisible black dress and I bought this striped Madewell blouse back in the spring and haven’t actually worn it yet. By the time I was really going outside in “clothes” (ha ha, what does THAT mean??) it was hot and I thought long sleeves didn’t seem like the best plan. But it’s a woven cotton blouse and I wore it to work yesterday and it was good! Mine is not as yellow as hers – I thought this was yellow when I bought it online, but it’s actually a little more towards pale apricot. But it’s the same vibe.

Sometimes I really need to see an outfit on a person. When I bought this blouse, as I do with all new things I bring into the house, I held it up against everything else in my closet…”no, no, yes, no, maybe, no, no, no, YES!” Deciding what the new item goes with. But I passed right by this combination til I saw it on @Tiraemon.

That’s the great benefit of looking through fashion blogs or magazines…getting inspired to combine items in ways you might never have thought of.

I know, I know, “black goes with everything,” but I don’t think everything looks great with it, and I wouldn’t have thought this color would. Black seems like a harsh partner for such a pale sherbetty color (isn’t it maddening that the word is spelled sherbet not sherbert, as it’s pronounced??).

This is why I prefer online sites that show clothing on humans, not just on a white background. Seeing it on a body that at least slightly resembles mine, is such a help in envisioning if I will like it on my body.

Other ways I’ll be styling this blouse is tied over a blue chambray dress, open over a white tee and white jeans…and in the fall, buttoned up with blue denim jeans and either a blazer or cardigan.

It passes the “can you style this at least three different ways with items in your closet” test and will probably make it for the 5-year challenge.

What I’m Wearing

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