Week in Review: Week 244

Peanut butter, honey, and red pepper flakes on a rice cake
A quiet day at home doing blog work. A quick coffee run in the afternoon.
Oh, I have a question. How do people feel about those pop-up things on blogs/websites asking you to subscribe? I’m not a fan but the ConstantContact (email list thing) guy is suggesting it. I wonder if there’s a way to make it NOT pop-up on people who have already subscribed?? That seems pretty technologically advanced but what do I know? I’m still trying to understand how faxes work.
Election Day!
TUESDAY 2 (aka Wednesday)
Checking Checking Checking Checking election results. All the livelong day.
TUESDAY 3 (aka thursday)

I drove into Brooklyn for a photoshoot and had a wonderful day.

My beloved apartment in Bushwick, Brooklyn.
TUESDAY 4 (aka friday)
How can this be taking so long??? I mean, I get why…but WHYYYYYY????
This was a joyous day of whooping, cheering, horn-honking, fist-pumping, pride in NY, pride in America, camaraderie, and optimism (aka The Day All the Votes Were Counted). Also, grilled pineapple wedge that tasted like cake. Also, a 75-degree November day in Brooklyn. Also, fall foliage. Also, a new favorite dish at a new favorite restaurant.
How could a day like that be bad???
It was beautiful. Wasn’t it beautiful??
Catching up on all the stuff I meant to do during vacation. Thinking about going back to work tomorrow. Can’t remember if I’m supposed to go into the office or if I’m working from home. Grateful that Wednesday is a holiday (Veteran’s Day). Paying the bills.
Trying to mentally prepare for returning to the land of obligations and commitments.
And just like that, vacation is over.
Well, a whole bunch of mumblemumble k-dramas. Fun fact: 18-million Americans watch k-dramas – that’s more than watch The Bachelor.
And I’m still watching Jung Hae-In’s NY Travel Log. It’s been my lunchtime entertainment while I was home this week. It’s so fun to watch him being so excited by and appreciative all the things in NY he sees and does. Walking across the Brooklyn Bridge with his two friends, “Is crossing the bridge supposed to make me happy like this?” COME ON! Yes! It is! He gets it!
I do think it’s about time for another walk across the Brooklyn Bridge. Katie and Caleb and I went once, gosh, probably 5 years ago…and we were fighting (well, Katie and I were fighting. Caleb and I never fought. He was the best boyfriend ever) so we only made it to the halfway point and then went back. Oh. It was 7 years ago. Here’s a pic of Katie from the mid-point with Dagger Eyes.

Processed with VSCOcam with m5 preset
Anyway, then Hae-In and his friends went to DUMBO and Brooklyn Bridge Park, which is where we were yesterday, and they were taking pictures of one another with the Manhattan Bridge in the background…and Hae-In is coaching them on how he wants his photo taken just a certain way and I was hysterical DEJA-VU MUCH cuz that’s me!
Really enjoying this series and will be sad when it’s over. I laugh-cry through each episode cuz it’s just so charming and pure. I can’t.
Uhm…email? Ha ha. I haven’t picked up a book in a month. They’re sitting here, quietly waiting for me when I’m ready. Books are good that way.
Let’s have a great week. people!
Diane Cachenaut
Bettye – your photos are absolutely stunning. I’ve never been to NY but this is certainly an enticement. Gorgeous scenery!! You too – have a great week.
Diane C
ps – Sugar Detox, still on?
Gah, sugar detox, I’m the worst. I’m so sorry, I have so many things going on right now, I forgot to make an SD group. I’d been doing it since…whenever I talked about it, mid-septemberish I think? And I have like two strong weeks then one “kinda sorta off” week. And last week when I was on vacation I went completely off the rails cuz I never did any grocery shopping so I was eating all the weird stuff that hides in the back of the cupboard and fridge that no one ever eats. But I’m not stressing it.
Will send out the group email for those that expressed interest in Sugar Detox 🙂
Shirley Horst
I despise those pop up things with a passion! Some you tubers I watch have more pop ups than content. It is so annoying! Please don’t fall for using them unless you have to please!
I appreciate the feedback, Shirley. I already mentioned to him that I am not a fan of the popups. I’ll take a look at what they’re suggesting but may decide to go a different route.
LOVE your photos of NYC! Thank you for posting. We’ve had the same kind of week here in Vancouver, even though none of us gets to vote in US elections. Staring at the TV, wondering which network has the most unbiased reports, doing our real life for a while as a distraction but coming back as soon as possible to see what happened while we were gone. YIKES! Stay strong with your back to work… reality bites these days. xo karen
Thanks, Karen. It’s a relief this week to not have to feel so anxious and worried about NOW WHAT! Not that the world is ALL FIXED now but…it’s a whole lot more promising (and less embarrassing!).
Halfway through Back to Work Day 1. So far, so good. We have a meeting in a few minutes and that’s ugh.
I love your pictures!
Thanks, Amy! Fall might be my favorite season for photography.
jodie filogomo
Seriously your photos are just incredible Bettye. Do you do much post production on them, or do you have an amazing lens??
Thank you. Well, all these in this week in review post were from my iphone, so no amazing lens 🙂 And I did work on these in Photoshop to bring out the color contrast and warmth a bit, but not a lot. If you happened to see any of my IG stories from the weekend, they were all unedited. Fall is just a beautiful time to shoot, the colors are so saturated. If I remember (spoiler alert: I never remember), I’ll put a side-by-side comparison of iphone unedited vs edited in next week’s week in review.
Such pretty pictures. I feel like I was on the trip.
Pop ups don’t bother me. As long as the little “X” isn’t hidden.
I’m glad the election is over. I mean, there’s still work to be done but we know it’ll happen. *exhale*
I kinda loved these pictures, too 🙂 That second pic of the leaves in the beam of light, I think I’m gonna print that one kinda big. And I never print ANYTHING.
I did talk with ConstantContact the other day and they said it did not HAVE to be a popup so I downloaded the thingie but can’t find it anywhere. Unless only “not me” people can see it?
But yeah, the “hidden x” is the devil’s work.
Marceline Miller
If other blogs are an indication, the “subscribe” pop-ups happen even if you’re already a subscriber…. But if course I don’t know if it HAS to be true. My feedback on that is do whatever is best for you/your blog growth. I’m gonna read no matter what. (Even though you’ve strayed into politics, and I SWORE I wouldn’t follow anyone who did. That’s the depth of my love. LOL)
Aww, I’m touched, Marceline. So glad you stuck around! And hopefully, the politics talk is over for now 🙂
I hate pop-ups of any kind, but especially the ones trying to get me to ‘join’. It’ll make me leave site really quickly.
Love your fall tree colors.
Grace & Peace, Iris
So far I will be pop-up-less 🙂
Gorgeous photos of a wonderful day!
Thanks, Andrea. I love photographing fall. I think it’s my favorite.