I wish the Outfit Fairies would show up and just lay out clothes for me for the coming week. I feel like half my things are in the laundry hamper…and half of what’s left hanging needs to be ironed or a sweater or shoes to complete the outfit. It’s Too HARD! I already have to decide what to EAT every day! I shouldn’t have to decide what to WEAR, TOO! How about next week YOU GUYS tell me what to wear!? Yes? Cool.


Let’s discuss normalizing wearing the same outfit several days in a row, shall we?

In other words, I forgot to pack a shirt for Day Two of my Big Wedding Adventure.

Seriously though, I have never really been on board with the compulsion to wear different clothes every day. To me, wear it til it’s unwearable – dirty, smelly, etc. It saves on wear and tear of clothing, saves on upkeep (laundry, putting away, etc), it saves time in not having to decide Every Damn Day what to wear.

It’s only since posting OOTDs that I have made a conscious effort to wear different outfits every day. Who really wants to look at pictures of me wearing the same thing day after day (after day)? For that matter, who wants to look at pictures of me wearing DIFFERENT things day after day? Ha ha.

So, I was wearing the apricot/yellow striped button-down and light wash jeans again.


Let’s discuss normalizing staying in pajamas all day, shall we??

My mother was a big “stay in your nightgown until forced to leave the house for food, and only then put on clothing” person. So that was my “dressing” role model growing up, and hey, it works for me. Why dirty clothes if you’re not going anywhere??

I thought about getting dressed and going outside but the thought of wearing a bra for even a moment was so abhorrent to me that…I squelched the idea immediately.

There were more outfits and people this weekend than I can really handle so I let myself off the hook.



Yes, I’m wearing a weekend outfit at work. You got a problem with that?? Haha. I’m still not recovered from this weekend/the past two weeks and it took all my mental and physical energy just to get myself into this Emotional Support Outfit.

4.5/5. Would give it a 5 cuz ESO but am dropping it down to 4.5 cuz of inappropriateness for work.

Striped Tee: Daily Ritual (will I EVER not first type Daily Harvest??) from Amazon, 3x. 2018
Blue Chambray Button-down: Charlotte Russe, 3x. 2016. Comparable here and here.
Jeans: Gloria Vanderbilt Amanda, Scottsdale wash, 20 short. 2021
Sneakers: Converse Shoreline Slip-ons, 2020


Managed to make a little more effort today. I pulled this light grey cardigan out of the “I don’t really like you so I’ll leave you wadded up here” pile.

I’d like the outfit better with a colored sneaker – like lilac. Lilac is my color obsession this year. Don’t know how that COLOR color snuck in, but it’s been here for awhile. I think I’ve gotten two lilac things and I still want more.

I’ll give it a 4/5. It’s fine. It does the job but I’m not jumping up and down at the thought of wearing it.

Plus, Jane.

Button-down: Loft, 3x 2020. Comparable.
Grey Cardigan: Old Navy, 2x 2018
Jeans: Gloria Vanderbilt Amanda, Callisto wash, 20 short. 2021
Sneakers: Converse Shoreline Slip-ons, 2020


This look is like if Monday and Tuesday had a baby šŸ˜‰

I enjoy the concept of tee + jeans + unbuttoned shirt over top.

Interestingly, there was a time when this was a “fat girl” outfit (because I couldn’t BUTTON the button-down, so the unbuttoned shirt was not a CHOICE but a “last resort.”) And because of that, the outfit concept was undesirable in my eyes and I wouldn’t wear anything like this for a really long time.

Now I only buy button-downs that FIT, that I can button, so they have maximum versatility and can be worn buttoned or unbuttoned, on their own, or under or over other things.

Except I DO have my eye on some vintage Hawaiian shirts for summer, and it’s unlikely I’ll find anything that will button at this point, especially since their men’s shirts are cut slimmer/straighter than women’s shirts.

That was a whole lotta words for a pretty basic/casual outfit. I guess the point is that it’s very INTENTIONALLY basic/casual.


Button-down: Old Navy, 3x, 2020. Comparable.
Jeans: Gloria Vanderbilt Amanda, Scottsdale wash, 20 short. 2021
Sneakers: Converse Shoreline Slip-ons, 2020


I’ve definitely been following a very distinct formula this week – thing unbuttoned over another thing. With jeans. And sneakers.

The two new tee shirts (one white, one black) from Old Navy are going to be in heavy rotation with this formula this summer. I FINALLY found a not bad tee shirt. They’re 100% cotton which is not really my jam, but they’re thinner than some cotton tees, and that’s a help. I’m looking at all these graphic tees lately and they’re like YAY WE’RE 100% HEAVY DUTY COTTON and I’m like nooooo.

I’ve been getting my money’s worth out of this green floral blouse for sure, but it still feels Not Quite Right to me.Ā I like it in THEORY. And I’m still looking for others in this theory.


Button-down: Torrid, 3x. 2021
Black Tee: Old Navy, 3x. 2021
Jeans: Gloria Vanderbilt Amanda, black wash, 20 short. 2021
Sneakers: Converse Shoreline Slip-ons, 2020


And TODAY I am pleased. I could (and might) write an encore post on wearing color, but for the sake of not turning this post into a novel, I’ll just say this: I Love This Color Combo.

I don’t recall where I shared this picture, oh, maybe it was in a comment response, but I was so taken with this picture of Kim Taehyung in aqua blue and soft green.

My combo is not exactly the same shades, but I am still enjoying it very much. I’ve always liked olive/army green with turquoise, this is just a little off from that – chartreuse green (sometimes it reads yellow in photos) and…light (?) blue. I don’t know what else to call it – it’s not sky blue, it’s a clear blue blue…ANYWAY, I’m obsessing over a name.

I like the color combo. And I like the simple cardigan over the sheerish blouse. I don’t like crew-neck cardigans as much as v-necks and I have a little harder time matching them up with whatever’s underneath.

Bettye: Never Lacking in the Overthinking Department.

The black sneakers may not be my FIRST choice with this outfit, but I don’t know what else I would choose. Probably not another light blue. I’m not sure. But regardless, black was the best option I own.


Button-down: Pilcro by Anthropologie, 2x. 2021
Cardigan: Old Navy, 2x. 2020. Comparable.
Jeans: Gloria Vanderbilt Amanda, white wash, 20 short. 2021
Sneakers: Converse Shoreline Slip-ons, 2020

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