Plus Size Outfit of the Day ~ Sep 25-Oct 1

First full week of fall plus size outfits! So excited to pull some things back into the rotation that I haven’t worn in many months.
FALL LAYERING FOR THE WIN!!! YAY! I’M SO HAPPY! HAPPY HAPPY HAPPY!!! It’s THAT striped tee and THAT plaid flannel button-down…back from the winter side of the closet.
Oh, the joy.
What can I say. It’s that perfect Flannels + Sandals time of year.
Oh gosh! Does this mean I can wear the long-missing grey cardigan again soon???
Striped Tee: Old Navy, 3x. 2020
Plaid Button-down: BP/Nordstrom, 4x. 2018. Comparable here and here.
Jeans: Gloria Vanderbilt Amanda, 20 short. 2021
Sandals: Birkenstock Arizona, 2020
I have hip-length black cardigan on my wish list right now. I haven’t looked very hard, but I feel like that can’t be TOO much of a challenge to find (although you know me, I have 17 other specifications for it). But the duster-length cardigans, for me, have a very short season. Once it’s cold enough to wear an actual coat, the dusters become obsolete because of the awkwardness of the long sweater under shorter coat. There are times the “longer under shorter” thing works. This is not one of them.
Hass anyone seen my black jeans? I didn’t wear them all summer and now I have no idea where they are. Thanks.
Chartreuse button-down: Maeve/Anthropologie, 2x. 2021
Black Cardigan: Old Navy, 2x. 2017. Comparable.
Jeans: Gloria Vanderbilt Amanda, 20 short. 2021
Sneakers: Converse Shoreline slip-ons
Hmm. This was sort of a quick decision. I’d had another outfit in mind when I thought I was going to my final birthday dinner this evening. Then I had ANOTHER outfit in mind til I remembered some cream jeans are on their way to me. Then I had yet ANOTHER outfit in mind when I thought it was going to rain today.
So this outfit did not get much thought as I stood in my closet this morning and I’m not entirely sure about it. I barely even got to look in the mirror before leaving for work.
I got this goldeny-pumpkinny-yellow and blush-nude-pink plaid top from Target over the summer. I intentionally bought it oversized (4x) to be worn as an overshirt.
I’m in a green + warm yellow obsessed mode right now, so I grabbed the olive tee to go under it. I like the yellow tones in the shirt with the olive and I like the blushy pink with the olive.
So why am I nooooot quite on board with it?? Maybe too much white in the plaid? Maybe it’s the imbalance of a lighter color weighted item over a darker weight item?
What it DID remind me of was seeing some nudy-blush-pink sneakers somewhere awhile ago and thinking OOOOH that would be good here.
That’s a lot of thoughts for just THIS.
Olive Tee: Asos, 3x. 2016
Plaid Button-down: Target, 4x, 2021. Comparable.
Jeans: Gloria Vanderbilt Amanda, 20 short. 2021
Sneakers: Converse Shoreline slip-ons
Okay. Phew. Back to normal. It’s very stressful for me when I wear things that don’t feel quite right. This may be a personality flaw. BUT WHATEVER.
TODAY. This color palette is my spirit animal. Black and taupey-brown. So wonderfully non-colory…so VAGUE.
I think these sort of…intentionally non-descript color palettes feed directly into my desire to not be noticed.
Which, for someone who doesn’t want to be noticed, seen, etc, I sure do a lot of HEY LOOK AT ME things. Blogging, taking pictures in public places, TikTokking, etc.
It’s a strange place in my brain.
BUT. I am enjoying today’s outfit. These are my favorite pair of jeans. The black ones are just a little SOFTER than the others…and the fit is Just Right. And I haven’t worn them since the cooler weather back in the beginning of spring, so…WELCOME BACK, FAVORITE JEANS.
And this new cashmere sweater I got on super sale over the summer is positively cloud-like. Some cashmere is denser (probably the higher-quality items); this one is light and airy. Perfect for this transitional weather. And the color? Sigh. I love all the in-between, not-easily-identifiable colors.
I’ve gushed enough. Over ME, ha ha.
Cashmere Sweater: Magaschoni, 2x. 2021
Jeans: Gloria Vanderbilt Amanda, 20 short. 2021
Sneakers: Converse Shoreline slip-ons
Another outfit with a way-too-long explanation. Some new things are being worked into the wardrobe so I’m OVERTHINKING everything.
I’ve worn the striped linen button-down before on National Ice Cream Person Day. But I’ve been ENVISIONING it with this cardigan since the summer.
I wouldn’t have THOUGHT of putting them together, but one thing was hanging one place and the other thing was hanging in a nearby place, so…I got the visual of the two of them together. And I thought, hmm. I don’t hate that.
I think why it works for me is cuz the green cardigan is a very BLUE green green…and the khaki stripes in the shirt are a very yellowy khaki. And blue and yellow are *mwuah” chef’s kiss.
So. BAM.
Then the navy sneakers anchor down the white of the jeans and balance out the blue-green of the cardigan.
And a color combination is born.
Linen Button-down: J Jill from QVC, 4x., 2021
Green Cardigan: Old Navy, XXL, 2021 (it’s the sister to the mauve one)
Jeans: Gloria Vanderbilt Amanda, 20 short. 2021
Sneakers: Converse Shoreline slip-ons
Gonna be a physical labor today at work, so dark, dirt-hiding clothing is the priority.
Always love mustard-gold with dark wash denim.
Polka-dot Tee: Old Navy 3x, 2019
Chambray Button-down: Dia & Co, 3x. 2021
Jeans: Gloria Vanderbilt Amanda, 20 short. 2021
Sneakers: Converse Shoreline slip-ons
Thanks for playing!
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jodie filogomo
Were your ears burning yesterday?? My friend and I were talking about some of her “funny” food preferences, and I told her she was like you (only in the food department)…..complicated!!!
It makes me realize how boring I am, because I like everything (both in clothes and food, haha)
Wait, what? Me? Complicated?? HA HA HA HA HA.
And you’re far from boring!
Sally in St Paul
That teal/khaki/white color combination is wonderful, and the mustard/dark denim/chambray one is a favorite.