Plus Size Outfit of the Day: Nov 15-19, 2021

I guess I’m back. I took a mental health break while on vacation last week…PLUS had hair trauma after my unfortunate haircut and just wanted to wear a paper bag over my head. I kind of still do but…I had to come back to work…and wear something other than the two outfits I wore pretty much every day all last week. It was a rare treat to not have to think about what I was wearing.
But. I’m back.
Wanted to feel comfortable the first day back. So this is the return of the beloved grey cardigan. Over the favorite mustard striped tee. In comfortable jeans and sneakers.
I love mustard with grey.
I feel better these days in some sort of pattern than a solid (in at least one item).
Striped Long-Sleeve Tee: Old Navy, 3x. 2020
Grey Cardigan: Deane & White, 2x. 2012?
Jeans: Gloria Vanderbilt Amanda, 20 short. 2021
Sneakers: Converse Shoreline slip-ons, 2021
Look at me, I’m a rainbow!
Unusual for me to want to be a rainbow, but…here we are. I walk a fine line between “Don’t notice me” and “SEE ME!” Ha.
The two things I continue craving are lightweight long-sleeved tees and button-downs. Last week I think I wore two variations of the “unbuttoned shirt over long-sleeve tee” every day.
This one is nice because it’s more of a super-duper lightweight knit than just a cotton or jersey tee. Plus, all the fun colors!
I’ve toned it down just a bit with the chambray shirt over top.
Jeans, sneakers.
Striped Tee: Old Navy, 3x. 2021
Chambray Button-down: Dia & Co, 3x. 2021
Jeans: Gloria Vanderbilt Amanda, 20 short. 2021
Sneakers: Converse Shoreline slip-ons, 2021
Whee! Yellow plaid! Navy and white stripes! What else can I throw in there? The kitchen sink?
My sister had an apple-green sink in one of her houses. I liked it.
I always wanted apple green walls in the kitchen with black and white gingham valances on the window…with red accents and roosters.
It never happened. I had a paint swatch of the 5 neighbors of apple green tacked up in the kitchen with a scrap of black gingham fabric and a greeting card of a black and white cow standing in green green grass that was sort of my inspiration. I was going to frame it for the wall.
That’s as far as it ever got.
I think I actually have a picture somewhere of those things on the wall as a “this is how I would LIKE my kitchen to look” thing.
ANYWHO. I found an old pair of one-size-up jeans the other day while cleaning out with Katie. The waist feels lovely but they’re a little saggy-baggier and longer than I would like. So I wouldn’t wear them if I REALLY cared how I looked, but…to work? Sure 🙂
Striped Tee: Old Navy, 3x. 2021
Plaid Button-down: Target, 3x. 2021
Jeans: Gloria Vanderbilt Amanda, 22 short. 2018
Sneakers: Converse Shoreline slip-ons, 2021
Yay it’s Thursday.
Tight black jeans, ha ha. Fog/cloud-like taupe cashmere sweater over THE LONG-LOST WHITE TEE. Welcome back, my friend. You’ve been missed. It doesn’t even have a PERFECT crew-neckline, but it’s the best of what I’ve got.
Yeah. Things are getting tight around my middle. Uncomfortable, ugh. Every week starts out with I’M GETTING A HANDLE ON MY EATING THIS WEEK and then someone hands me M&Ms and it’s all over. I’ve sort of broken (for the time-being) the nightly chip habit, so THAT’s good. That will help. But I’m craving sugary coffee and we have a twice-a-day coffee shop at work and the convenience outweighs my control.
LIFE, amiright??
Cashmere V-Neck: Mogaschino 2x. 2021
White Tee <3: H&M, 3x. 2018
Jeans: Gloria Vanderbilt Amanda, 20 short. 2021
Sneakers: Converse Shoreline slip-ons, 2020
Urgh. This shirt is too long for wearing under this sweater. The “peek” of hem under the sweater has turned into Full View and meh.
That’s my complaint. Well, that and my sneakers are pretty dirty. I need to spiff them up if they’re going to California with me next week (TO SEE BTS!!!) (and my family).
But I like the color combo and the boxy sweater.
This was the first day I walked out of the apartment and thought Ooh. I’m gonna need to start breaking out the jackets.
Black Cashmere Crewneck: Catherine Malandrino, 3x. 2019
Red Plaid Button-down: Sanctuary, 3x. 2020
Jeans: Gloria Vanderbilt Amanda, 20 short. 2021
Sneakers: Converse Shoreline slip-ons, 2020
Next week I get to wear summery dresses and bare legs, whee!
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jodie filogomo
I like the rainbow Bettye!!
And your print mixing is always so fabulous. I need to practice mine, because I feel like I’ve gotten out of control some days.
“I feel like I’ve gotten out of control some days”
SOME DAYS?!? ha ha ha ha ha 🙂
Looks like a pretty good week to me
#1 – I like your hair.
#2 – I have an apple green kitchen with red accents, but no roosters or chickens.
Betty, I haven’t checked out your blog in sometime, but OMG you’re changing your whole life! How wonderful to become interested in the arts of another country, and then to immerse yourself in that culture and language, and then to further plan relocating to that country. I am so inspired by you (although not enough to learn a second language, haha) so whenever I’m feeling extra lazy, I will think of Betty, determined to follow her dreams. Best of luck on your adventure.
Oh yeah ha. Once in a while I stop and I’m like WAIT. WHAT are you doing?? But I’m just like…this. I’m doing this. Why not??