A week in pictures.

Eating dinner while watching TEFL videos

This is not LAST week’s flat tire. This is THIS week’s almost flat tire. Not even the same tire.

In Bangtan Academy (BA) we submit all our class notes as homework. I’ve attended two classes and posted two homeworks and got my red apple, which means I can access more areas of BA. You know…in my spare time.

With everything, I’m trying to make time to read.

It was so nice having lots of pretty things to take pictures of and share while I was in CA. As soon as I came back, the pictures all but stopped. I’m trying to take pictures ANYWAY…and am doing sort of an #antiinstagram series on IG, meaning…this is what my life looks like, for better or worse.

Handsome baby leaf



The blustery day

It’s time to start sleeping with the bugs again. Bllrrg.

Thank you for not letting me starve to death.

New snack: did not suck.

Happy First Day of Spring

See ya next time!