(please indulge me this, I just felt compelled to write some thoughts)

So, Katie just texted me “Happy Easter, my flight’s about to take off for New Orleans.” And I replied, “blah blah blah I love you SO MUCH.”

As one does when sending off a loved one.

And I thought…isn’t it sort of a selfish thing that we say I Love You in this way? With goodbyes? So, heaven forbid, should something happen to That Loved Person while traveling (because for some reason we always think risk of death is higher when someone gets into a significant traveling contraption – plane, train, etc – than when they just get into their car to go to the market…even though car accidents are the leading cause of accidental death in the US….and maybe you DO say I Love You when someone’s just leaving for work for the day, but still…it’s when they’re LEAVING), we don’t have to live with the guilt of the last thing we ever said to them being, “You’re going out in THAT? You look like you’re going to a Tacky Party!” or perhaps worse, nothing at all, because their leaving is not even noticed by you.

Why is it always “goodbye, love you!” And not “Welcome! I love you!” or “You’re here! I love you!” or “You came! I love you!” Doesn’t that seem nicer? Wouldn’t that set such a welcoming, loving tone to the one arriving?? And yet, who does that? Maybe people do and I’m just not aware. Maybe just no one’s ever said that to ME.

That’s all. Just a random thought.

Note to self: start saying Hello, I Love You.