Better late than never, amiright?? I’ve been trying to put this together for two weeks but LIFE AND ALL THE THINGS.

This is actually March and the last week of February, cuz the last time I updated it was middle of Feb. Plus, spoiler alert, NOTHING MUCH HAPPENED 🙂

Mid-winter break, yay.

After a long period of frugality, I *did* splurge on myself and bought tickets to a Suga concert right here on Long Island. Suga (Min Yoongi) is a my favorite member of BTS 🙂

Katie came up for a wedding

Katie and her sister and brother <3

The bride was a literal princess. She’s the daughter of one of my oldest friends.

I saw a horse.

Got sick in March. Missed a whole week of work and I NEVER do that. I went through a LOT of nose-blowing toilet paper.

It’s nice to have someone welcome you home at night.

Going through ALL old papers, pictures, etc. Katie did this when she was probably 9 or 10. I loved “I don’t want to do this job when I get older.” Guess what she does for a living now??

I’m currently addicted to 7-11 sandwiches.

One weekend I challenged myself and my office roommate to GET THE HELL OUT OF THE HOUSE.

On vacation sometimes I eat well.

Sometimes I don’t.

Hee hee. Important kid issues.

First sign of spring.

That time I drove 45 minutes through the snow to English class…and no one else showed up.

Mother Nature is a funny girl.

You REALLY know spring is here when the landscaper blows a bunch of dirt into the bathroom. Every. Single. Week.

The End.

See you in April! Ish!