lifestyle Week in Review Week in Review: Week 268 If only we could choose a single moment in time to represent our entire lives. ~ ME If May 3, 2021Read more
lifestyle Photography Week in Review Week in Review: Week 267 Grateful for a smoother-feeling week. MONDAY What a day! WHAT A DAY! First thing this morning, my FAVORITE April 26, 2021Read more
lifestyle Week in Review Week in Review: Week 266 Goal for the Week: Go SOMEWHERE besides “straight home” every day. For once I ACTUALLY got all most April 19, 2021Read more
About Me lifestyle Photography Week in Review Week in Review: Week 265 My last week of work from home + some vacation days + second corona vaccine. Hopes are high April 5, 2021Read more
lifestyle Week in Review Week in Review: Week 264 Week 264 for Fashion Schlub. Week 3,132 for Bettye. MONDAY I’m working from home and just made a March 29, 2021Read more
lifestyle Week in Review Week in Review: Week 256 Another week primarily spent avoiding contact with humans, but living a rich fantasy life. MONDAY Martin Luther King January 25, 2021Read more