Workday Wardrobe ~ Nov. 16-20
MONDAY Just kickin’ the leaves. As one does. Top: Tahari merino wool sharkbite top, size 3x. So old.
Workday Wardrobe Jan 27-31, 2020
MONDAY It was going to be mid-40s today. I can’t stop wearing this red plaid shirt. I’m back
Workday Wardrobe ~ November 18-22
Monday Dreary, rainy, but no camera club meant I could stay inside all day. This is the invisible
Workday Wardrobe ~ Oct 7-11, 2019
Monday A regular workday, possible rain, definitely a trip to the farm. The top is lightweight, as is
Workday Wardrobe ~ Oct 2-4, 2019
I’m giving this weekly series a try, sharing what I actually wear to work everyday…for better or worse.