September is:

The birth month of ME

I mean, let’s just put the most important thing right up here at the top, shall we? I miss the days when Katie was in jr high and high school and by the time I would get home from work, she and her best friend Jessie would have decorated the whole house with streamers and posters and would have baked me a crazy cake. Birthdays are a little sad when you live alone. I’m trying to buy myself a nice piece of jewelry for my birthday but I just can’t decide on what!

The first month of fall

Because Labor Day is not actually the end of summer. Blrrgh.

Shorter and shorter days

By the end of the month sunset will be an hour earlier than it is now. Which is both a positive and a negative. Positive cuz it means you can go watch a sunset and the after-sky (which is the best part) and be home before bedtime! Negative cuz there’s only 2½ hours of daylight after I get home from work, and now that the weather will be getting better (see below) I might actually want to spend time outside!

Cooler days

September and October are two of the nicest months to do outdoor things. The average temps (here) will be about 20 degrees less than they are now.

September Feels Like:

A fresh start

I know most of us aren’t actually starting a new school year, but those early years of the public school calendar really stay with you all through life and it just feels like you get a fresh start in September!

Time to do something different

And with that Fresh Start comes the perfect opportunity to try something new. I have been thinking about this for awhile, I may have already mentioned it on here some time ago…but I’m going to do a two-week sugar-free (torture) session. After my birthday. After the weekend after my birthday. It’s not a weight-loss thing. I just hear SO many people say they feel SO much better going off sugar, I want to know for myself if this is really true. People tend to evangelize the challenging things they do, so excuse my cynicism. I just want to see. Right now I’m letting the sugar and sugary things dwindle down in my kitchen. I’m currently without homemade iced tea because I didn’t want to buy a new 5-lb bag of sugar when I ran out last week. I’ll let you know when I start, how I’m doing, how it feels. If anyone wants to join me (it’s just two weeks!), let me know and we can go through sugar-withdrawal together. Misery loves company.

The start of the holiday season

I know that Halloween, Thanksgiving and even Christmas things have been in the stores for a month or more already, but now it will really start to feel holidayish. Once there’s a chill and crispness to the air, and you smell fireplace smoke in the evenings, it’ll be easy to start getting in the holiday mindset (do you know what you’re going to be for Halloween yet??)

the time to wear the rich colors of autumn

Finally! I’ve been seeing them on retail sites and fashion bloggers who jumped the gun by wearing their chunky chestnut cardigans while it was still 90 degrees in August. But it’s finally time to start dipping our toes in the autumn palette pool, and I found the perfect way to do that with this cute deep mustardy gold tee shirt! It’s the color of fall without all the sweating! If it’s a chilly day or evening, just throw a denim jacket over top and you’re good to go. Swap the slip-ons for booties for a little extra warmth.

What fall items are you most looking forward to wearing?

what i’m wearing

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