Another short week! Monday was a holiday and Tuesday I couldn’t stop coughing, so stayed home one more day.


Loft green top, size 26/28 | Old Navy palomino longline cardigan, size 2x | Charlotte Russe Refuge skinny jeans, size 22 short | Aldo cognac espadrilles

This has been a favorite outfit of mine since spring and showed it once before on the blog here. It was coolish with the threat of rain, so I needed a sweater, but I also knew I was having blood taken at Sloan Kettering in the afternoon, so needed to be able to free up my arms. I have challenging veins and they usually try several spots up and down my arms so it’s best if I’m in short sleeves (which the green top is). Sorry for the crappy photo but it was pouring when I got home, so…indoors was the only option.


I also love this outfit, though it’s looking particularly rumpled here! I was in Loft taking a quick stab at finding a dress for Saturday’s wedding, but nothing really thrilled me, so I’m winging it with something I already have. I’ve had this striped Avenue top for many years, and I always liked it but I knew I would really like it with something over it. But it was years of searching before I found this camel cardi, which, while not an exact match with the top’s camel stripes, works for me. And I really love the combo over white jeans.

My fall-hued outfits have got me really wanting some gold jewelry! Please don’t tell me that jewelry is also made irresponsibly…gold anyway. Let me have one thing to dream of and hunt for!


And I’m finishing up with my least favorite outfit of the week. These are my least favorite jeans, they’re just too long and “Mom Jean” ish. I know I could get them shortened (did you guys read Jodi’s blog post today about clothing alterations? It’s definitely worth a read) but.

ANYWHO, we had a lot of rain this week and I had two camera club sessions scheduled for today so I wanted to wear something I didn’t care about getting muddy. I’ve had the sweater two years. I like the stripes, the loose fit and the fact that the open weave of the knit makes it not too hot…but I think the wide neck opening and too-long sleeves make it look like a poor fit and a little schlubby. It’s one of those items that got to stay just because it fit, when so little else did. It’s not going anywhere, it’s good to have one or two outfits that are good enough to be worn in public, but not so good that you wouldn’t wear them to a paint night or to the garden center, for fear of ruining them. You know?

As always, thanks for reading…and commenting…and for being part of our little community!