The One Where I Try to Catch up on All the Holidays!


At the risk of extreme cringiness, I want to thank you all for coming here, supporting, reading, sending emails, and being just a lovely family.

I know, I KNOW…but really…that’s how it feels here to me. If something good or bad happens during my day, one of my first thoughts is sharing it with y’all here on the blog. And I know you’ll be supportive and lift me (and one another!) up with your lovely comments. And really…that means so much to me.

The fact that I have a place where I can just be ME, as wacky or contrary or particular or childish or weird or ridiculous as I might be, and be accepted 100% for who I am – That is A GIFT.

A gift that is never forgotten or unappreciated.

So thank you…for another year’s worth of friendship and support and the loveliest gifts.

Thank You.

A look at 2020

Certainly, 2020 will go down in history as one of the worst years ever. I don’t need to rehash every event, we were all there. I know we haven’t forgotten. In fact, we’re still going through with it (I’m looking at you, new more-infectious strain of Covid).

However, from my personal standpoint (and I’m a little leery of saying this as I know others have suffered great loss during this time, but…we all have our own reality and I try not to shy away from sharing mine here), this was such a good year for me. It was like the break from humanity that I’ve needed All My Life.

Even with the Welbutrin helping my anxiety/social anxiety, I am still a very introverted person and being with people Every Single Day is like water dripping on a stone for years upon years…drip drip drip drip drip…wearing it down, creating holes…endlessly. The drip never stops and the hole just gets deeper and deeper.

But this year. The drip stopped. And I got to let out a lifetime’s worth of held breath.

2020 was a mess

Not to say that the year was relaxing – there were other issues, for sure. Concern about covid, concerns about my job, work stresses. But these were just different.

So, after several months of strict isolation…and more months of still decreased socialization…I actually have the desire to pick up the phone and call someone (people who know me in real life know that phone calls are pretty much the bane of my existence and I will avoid them at all cost)…or to put myself in social situations where I would have to Talk To People. Like, in person. Ha.

So now, on the cusp of 2021 I just feel different. Good different. And I really feel it’s thanks to social distancing for most of 2020.


I’m not doing that this year. And you know I love a New Year’s resolution! But I have so many things I’m trying, learning, doing leftover from 2020 that I am just buried with DOING ALL THE THINGS. I’m not going to put one more thing on myself at this time.

And it’s killing me, I found a Great Quote that was sort of about this and I was like THAT SAYS IT PERFECTLY and do you think I can find it now? I save, I screenshot, I email myself SO MANY THINGS and sometimes they just…I don’t know…disappear. Like socks in the dryer.

2020 brought A Lot of New Stuff my way. Energizing, inspirational, exciting stuff. I guess my only resolution is to try and hold onto that excitement.

Hope everyone has just the year they want – filled with peace and joy xoxo

ONTO 2021!!!