The one where I was on vacation and didn’t do much cuz snow and Asian movie madness.


This is actually my niece’s picture from SoCal. I love the layers of mountains, clouds, and sunset sky colors.

Boring Day #1 (for you, not me. I love staying home and doing nothing. I also love going out and doing something. Life’s a win-win). I puttered (not to be confused with piddled). I moved some things from Point A to Point B. I jumped rope. Read until I was restless (which happens quickly these days).


It didn’t rain but there were droplets. Who doesn’t love a droplet?

Boring Day #2. Highlight of the day: I wore a new sweater. Wow.


I LEFT THE PROPERTY! I LEFT THE ISLAND! So much excitement so much joy.

Had lunch INDOORS (wow) at a charming little vegan cafeteria-style restaurant on the upper east side in the city. They had outdoor, indoor, and hybrid indoor/outdoor seating…with dividers between all tables. So we felt comfortable eating indoors.

Then we walked a million (read: 3) miles around Central Park. It was cold but sunny and not windy. A good day for walking and talking and people watching and dancing to the music at the ice skating rink.

We ended up at a bakery/coffee shop with stunning desserts. The name escapes me. But we hung out there for awhile and it was nice.





More snow.


This is the day where it hits me that vacation is practically over and that very little (read: nothing) got done on The To-Do List. I’m half panic/regret, half OH WELL.

Watched this delightful movie, Restart After Come Back Home. Was enchanted within the first five minutes and the laugh-cry never stopped. How many times did I say out loud “oh my god I can’t”?  A LOT. A simple, quiet, sweet movie about simple, sweet people. My favorite kind of movie.

I’m trying to include more movies into my series addiction cuz the series go on for so long with exhausting heart-wrenching EMOTION. Sometimes I just need a little break. The movies can be just as emotional but it’s just for 90 minutes vs sixteen 90-minute episodes over the course of a week (or weekend. or night.).

I no longer share everything I watch here cuz I know I have pretty specific viewing habits right now. But sometimes when something is just SO endearing, I have to.

When you find something that really brings you joy, you want to share it with people you care about.


I have these little boxes all over the apartment. I guess they were mostly my mother’s and father’s, but I’ve added to the collection a bit, myself. Anyway, once in a while I open one…and find little forgotten treasures inside.

I don’t know who needs to hear this but….it’s less than a month til the first day of Spring. Just sayin.’