I don’t think I have the energy to write a post (she says as she writes a post).

The day started with discovering that my checking account had $200 less in it than I calculated it should have. More specifically, I thought I had $200…and the bank says I have $2.94. THAT’S a problem. WTH?? There were no unexpected debits to my account, so…WTH?? Payday’s not for another 8 days. Ugh.

THEN…on the more fun part of the roller coaster, I got an email with ALL GOOD NEWS ABOUT KOREAN THINGS. There was much “oh thank goodness” and “ooh that’s a relief”ing going on.

THEN…there was A TONE. That’s all I’ll say other than…all it takes is A TONE to make me crash and burn for about the next 24 hours.

The tone was followed up with an ISSUE. That in MY MIND is resolved, but….outside my own home that seems to be irrelevant.

I got out late so had to race around to get to my Korean zoom on time…fortunately, while focusing on 저는 냄세나는 치즈를 먹지 않았어요 (I didn’t eat the stinky cheese), I can’t think about anything else, so…it’s a help.

And now I’m off to horizontaling on the sofa until I can’t stay awake and then bed oh hallelujah. And tomorrow is Friday. BAGEL FRIDAY to be specific. That’s a plus.

Dress: Asos, 22. 2015
Striped Linen Shirt: J Jill, 4x. 2021
Sneakers: Converse Shoreline slip-ons